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Nature Boy

Apr 21, 2015
I'm in London this week on business, having a beer at this neat old pub, when I happen to look across the street and see this.....


I couldn't believe it.

So I walk over and a very friendly gentleman greets me at the door and politely explains that they're having a private party but if I come back tomorrow he would show me around.

Hopefully he will let me take some pictures
Nature Boy

Jolly cool! Hope you get to tour the place and take some photos of the interior.
For gun nuts like us this is Mecca. Simply unbelievable.

The fellas that were working last night weren't there today so I didn't get to see the workshop unfortunately but they did let me wander the store.


The .500 Nitro Express on the left was sold, but the sweet .28 ga on the right is available....for very affordable £138,000.00.


Those ledgers in the back have the names of every Purdey owner and the specs of his rifle or shotgun, for the past 130 years

Holland and Holland is 6 blocks away. I might stroll over there tomorrow if I have the time
hell hit the trifecta sir!

Newcastle I guess...how far is it? Take a cab ride to WW Greener for that after H & H!
While smoking a Cohiba Churchill with a yellow band and "Habana, Cuba" on the ring.

WOW! Now, THAT"S a gun store.
Nature Boy

Those ledgers in the back have the names of every Purdey owner and the specs of his rifle or shotgun, for the past 130 years

Looking at your photo of that room gives one the feeling like you've just stepped back in time, say 130 years ago.

Now for some fine conversation about custom guns and of course some brandy and cigars!
Not gonna lie, I had no idea who "Purdey" was, and after looking at the first picture I figured you were referring to the two women, which only fed my confusion as to why this would be on THR. After a quick internet search and reading this thread, I have been educated and am very jealous of you!
Just don't pronounce it "Per Day" as some do on this side of the pond. :D
I learned of Purdey from one of my college professors back in the 80's when I was studying mechanical engineering. Never thought I'd have an opportunity to every visit it. Very fortuitous.

I also learned from one the the locals that the seals on the price tags and that elaborate adornment above the entrance indicates the "Royal Warrant" meaning they're a supplier to the Queen and her immediate family

I didn't get there in time :(

Holland & Holland are remodeling. The normal front entrance pictured is closed, you have to go around to the back and use the back entrance (as posted on the sign on the door).

I was there last week (and at Purdey) and took these pictures:


A nice row of double shotguns. Keep in mind the prices are in £ sterling, add roughly half again as much for $.


Some more nice shotguns, price tags below:


This was the prize, a 600 Nitro Express double rifle for a mere £235,000 ($333,655). (Case not included). BTW, the prices do not include Britain's 20% sales tax, but if you're taking the gun out of the country you may be exempt. Be sure to ask before payment.


Very cool, but those guns won't do a single thing a Savage 311 or NEF Pardner wouldn't be able to do as well.
Love the craftsmanship. But would any one here take one of them out in a blind duck hunting?
If you can afford any of them I doubt you would be worried about using it on safari. I like to look but they are way out of my price range.
Natman, the question is: did you buy anything

I was tempted, but the cheapest thing in the store was £100. That was for a single heavy leather glove, I assume for holding a hot shotgun with a splinter forend. They had some beautiful clothing with fantastic workmanship, but priced accordingly.

I could totally afford one of the shotguns though.

If I sold my house.

I could totally afford one of the shotguns though.

If I sold my house.

Must admit that thought crossed my mind for a brief moment as well... but pretty sure the wife wouldn't go for it.

Thanks for the photos; probably the closest I will ever get to something so incredibly well crafted and so beautifully embellished.
Very cool, but those guns won't do a single thing a Savage 311 or NEF Pardner wouldn't be able to do as well.

These bespoke shops opened with the purpose of making guns for the nobility: Royal family, Dukes, Earls, Counts etc.

These guns are a status symbol as much as functional tools. It's like being driven around by a chauffeur in a Bentley, Maybach or Rolls Royce.

You wouldn't see Prince Charles walking around the grounds of Windsor Castle shooting pheasant with a Mossberg 500, he'll be carrying an H&H or a Purdey.

The guns are very nicely made, and they are very beautiful.
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