Recent content by hso

  1. hso

    Beaded knife sheath

  2. hso

    Beaded knife sheath

    Got a link to share?
  3. hso

    Switchblade laws

    A final win in LA for Knife Rights puts preemption in place making switchblades and gravity knives legal across the state.
  4. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    You are correct. You just pop them on. I tried them when they came out and don't consider them adequate.
  5. hso

    What is the most recent knife you bought?

    Oh, and the feather damascus Kim Breed.
  6. hso

    What is the most recent knife you bought?

    The haul from the Bruce Voyles auction came in. Larry Harley skinner. The Spyderco lot. Two Byrdwrenches and a triplet set. And the Colt marked Barry Wood
  7. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    I carry a pocket full of plugs at shoots and hand them out and show people how to put them in properly. I'd LOVE if molded plugs had as high an NRR as yellow barrels since it would be very very convenient, but those expanding yellow foams that are so annoying to roll up expand to fit the space...
  8. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    Properly inserted "yellow foam" plugs have higher NRR than custom made plugs, BUT custom made plugs fit better than most people apply the foam plugs. It becomes a question of how well do you insert the cheap foam plugs well into the ear canal to the "dog leg" vs. how much they fail to get the...
  9. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    Shawn, There's no regulation requiring a helmet covering the head, just the requirement to reduce the exposure below the regulatory limit. That's achieved by a hearing protection and limiting exposure time. At 140 that limit on exposure is instantaneous so exposure has to be mitigated with...
  10. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    That's not quite all there is to it. The goal is to prevent hazardous levels of sound energy from causing damage that affects your hearing. That energy may be above or below your normal hearing range, people hear across a range of frequencies and some people hear a bit higher or lower...
  11. hso

    Felons Cannot Possess Firearms or People Under Investigation for a Felony Cannot Possess Firearms?

    ^ This applies to the seller/person disposing of the firearm or ammunition. If I understand correctly, a different legal prohibition is applied for felons in possession of a firearm.
  12. hso

    Hitchcock 45's hearing protection.

    Sorry, but not quite. Muffs cover a different frequency range than plug materials and muffs help prevent bone conduction that plug material can't.
  13. hso

    Things to Not Do

    Depending upon her attorney, she may not have been advised to no contest the charge or her attorney may have said she'd get something for a plea that she wouldn't get with the no contest. Since WE will never know, there's no way to determine what she was told or was thinking regardless of the...
  14. hso

    Things to Not Do

    As opposed to an admission of guilt. A plea, to manage your risk, isn't by default an admission of guilt. It is an acknowledgement that the risk isn't acceptable to fight the charges.