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Early Kansas squirrel hunting

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Jan 22, 2012
NE Kansas
Just sharing. I decided to get an early start on squirrel hunting here in NE Kansas and went out twice in the last few days. My shooting eye is a bit rusty and I missed a couple of good shots my first time out. Only brought home one squirrel. My shooting eye got a bit better by the second outing and i brought home 3. I have seen dozens so it looks like we have a good 'hatch' this year. I'll be out again later this week. Anyone else hunting early??
Heck no!!

The Ticks will carry you off and eat you somewhere else this time of year.

There isn't a squirrel born yet worth getting Lyme Disease over!!

I just about gave up tramping the woods until after the first frost after the disease carrying Deer Ticks started to outnumber the gnats and dog ticks years ago

Ticks and chiggers and skeeters... Oh My! :eek:

I'm saving my hunting spots for the early deer muzzleloader season that's coming up. Don't want to stir up the woods but I've been tempted to bag a couple of the red squirrels that gorge at my bird feeders. :cuss:
i wondered about that too, but have had zero problems. Oddly, even though we have had wet summer, I encountered few mosquitos and no ticks. I spayed with Deep Woods Off and I mostly walk slowly through the woods, but had a great time and no problems with bugs. I refuse to let bugs keep me at home. Now the chiggers will keep me from working in the yard but, hey, a man's gotta enjoy life!!
Born and drug up in KS. Started hunting with dad in the 50's. Squirrel seemed to be the most fun and productive. Lots of red squirrel, mostly grey squirrel here in California.
i wondered about that too, but have had zero problems. Oddly, even though we have had wet summer, I encountered few mosquitos and no ticks. I spayed with Deep Woods Off and I mostly walk slowly through the woods, but had a great time and no problems with bugs. I refuse to let bugs keep me at home. Now the chiggers will keep me from working in the yard but, hey, a man's gotta enjoy life!!
Yeah, staying inside because of the possibility of being bitten by a bug just isn't something I consider doing either.

Next week dove season starts here in Texas. No way am I missing that, ticks or no ticks.
I'm gearing up for dove season too; opens Sept 1st. What keeps me home more than anything is heat!! I shoot doves in western Kansas, but not when it's 95 degrees in the shade. Here you have to time it just right. Go too soon and you have a heat stroke, but go too late and the birds all migrate. Last year I hit it perfect...80 degrees, partly cloudy and so many doves I couldn't load and shoot fast enough. My brother and I had our limit of 15 doves each in less than an hour.
Cool front is moving in, hope it doesn't send the all doves down to Oklahoma...
In North Texas we always look forward to those big Kansas and Oklahoma birds riding the cold fronts down here.:D

Sniper, next weekend will definitely be hot in my part of the world. However, the morning and late evening hunts are usually tolerable, especially in the shade of a handy tree. Man, I'm ready to go!
I'll see if I can net them before they head south. I'll tie a pepper to one leg and a strip of bacon to the other. ;)
Throw in a case of shells and you have yourself a deal. At some point I'll need you to zip down and clean the birds for me. Also, can I borrow your dog for the season? You may come get him sometime after Christmas. Thanks!
Throw in a case of shells and you have yourself a deal. At some point I'll need you to zip down and clean the birds for me. Also, can I borrow your dog for the season? You may come get him sometime after Christmas. Thanks!
I can spot ya a couple boxes of 20ga that my wife's not using, wouldn't mind an excuse to come down and visit Texas again (even to clean some dove..) but the dog might be a deal breaker.
A: She's not a he, B: She is a yellow lab but was a rescue and has less retrieval talent than the cat, and C: The living room couch would have to come down with her. :rolleyes:
No cold front coming soon. It's predicted to be in the 90s for the next 10 days in NW Kansas where I shoot. But, it can happen very quickly. In just a few days the weather can turn chilly and the doves are GONE.
The Ticks will carry you off and eat you somewhere else this time of year.

There isn't a squirrel born yet worth getting Lyme Disease over!!
Walmart sells good repellents, including one you spray on your clothes and works through a couple of washings.
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