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NRA and my car was vandalized

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Yo Mama

Jun 4, 2008
I have an NRA sticker on both of my vehicles. After doing Black Friday shopping we came out of the mall to find two larger rainbow stickers placed on our back windshield. They were not easy to remove and left a lot of residue now meaning I have more work to get that off.

The point of my thread is not necessarily the vandalism, but the thought that somebody in the gay community feels that the NRA is against them which is my only thought of why it happened. This upsets me because I I am friends with quite a few gay people that own firearms and treasure the right to be able to defend themselves as a minority. It's a shame that the NRA has become such a boogeyman that it instills rabbid hatred just at a car bumper sticker even. Even if I don't agree with the NRA stance on everything I'm just dismayed at the amount of vitriol placed on an organization made up of regular citizens that come from all walks of life no matter what they look like.
I have an NRA sticker on both of my vehicles. After doing Black Friday shopping we came out of the mall to find two larger rainbow stickers placed on our back windshield. They were not easy to remove and left a lot of residue now meaning I have more work to get that off.

The point of my thread is not necessarily the vandalism, but the thought that somebody in the gay community feels that the NRA is against them which is my only thought of why it happened. This upsets me because I I am friends with quite a few gay people that own firearms and treasure the right to be able to defend themselves as a minority. It's a shame that the NRA has become such a boogeyman that it instills rabbid hatred just at a car bumper sticker even. Even if I don't agree with the NRA stance on everything I'm just dismayed at the amount of vitriol placed on an organization made up of regular citizens that come from all walks of life no matter what they look like.
Just think that those type of people are probably shopping in the mall beside you and your family.
Somebody started a Facebook page for the small rural town I live in. It is a place to communicate events or news and other things going on around town.

Anyhow, a couple weeks ago a local resident posted pictures of note stuck to her car with with some profane language. "Eff you and your guns and the NRA" or something to that effect.

Her car was parked in the high school parking lot at the time. Not sure if it was during school hours or not.

I used to live in the suburbs and would almost expect that kind of thing. Out here, not so much. All the people I know are very gun friendly.
I have an NRA sticker on both of my vehicles. After doing Black Friday shopping we came out of the mall to find two larger rainbow stickers placed on our back windshield. They were not easy to remove and left a lot of residue now meaning I have more work to get that off.

The point of my thread is not necessarily the vandalism, but the thought that somebody in the gay community feels that the NRA is against them which is my only thought of why it happened. This upsets me because I I am friends with quite a few gay people that own firearms and treasure the right to be able to defend themselves as a minority. It's a shame that the NRA has become such a boogeyman that it instills rabbid hatred just at a car bumper sticker even. Even if I don't agree with the NRA stance on everything I'm just dismayed at the amount of vitriol placed on an organization made up of regular citizens that come from all walks of life no matter what they look like.

I’m very glad you’re open minded, but all NRA members aren’t. It’s become a left vs right issue and the NRA has become a far right organization. I’m a pro gun guy, but I don’t do conservative social policy. Where does it leave me?

I won’t stand with anyone who doesn’t respect the rest of my rights.

The NRA should stick to guns. There’s plenty of other organizations out there to promote the conservative christian agenda.
It's a shame that the NRA has become such a boogeyman that it instills rabbid hatred just at a car bumper sticker even. Even if I don't agree with the NRA stance on everything I'm just dismayed at the amount of vitriol placed on an organization made up of regular citizens that come from all walks of life no matter what they look like.
Obviously no one is justified in vandalism, but I think you're right about the cause and effect here... members of the NRA (I'm reluctantly one) are unfortunately reaping what the NRA's media campaigns have sowed (hyperbolic fear tactics).

I’m very glad you’re open minded, but all NRA members aren’t. It’s become a left vs right issue and the NRA has become a far right organization. I’m a pro gun guy, but I don’t do conservative social policy. Where does it leave me?
The Libertarian Party- join us :)
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While I agree with the whole Libertarian social liberal approach, I must say that I haven't seen much of the NRA sticking their nose into things other than guns. Maybe this is more of a perception from the other side than a reality.
While I agree with the whole Libertarian social liberal approach, I must say that I haven't seen much of the NRA sticking their nose into things other than guns. Maybe this is more of a perception from the other side than a reality.

I agree, I haven't seen any social conservatism coming from the NRA, just their annoyingly constant pleas for money.

Either way, regardless of the view it is not OK to deface or vandalize another's property.
The NRA should stick to guns. There’s plenty of other organizations out there to promote the conservative christian agenda.
Other than being associated with the Republican Party (due to the Dem's hostile anti-gun stand), I don't see much affiliation with other groups. The NRA seems to stick to guns and gun rights, as it should. Everything else is, and should be, out-of-bounds. The Republicans may have other agendas but guilt by association is not right no matter who you are or who you represent.
I don't do NRA decals on the car. I don't want anyone to know that I keep a firearm.

I don't do ANY decals on my car, anymore. It isn't just those who despise pro gun organizations........our politics have become very divisive, and just about any sticker that can be infered to be political seems to invite keying, or other abuses upon the car.
I agree, I haven't seen any social conservatism coming from the NRA
We had a long thread a few months ago when the NRA put out a video appearing to condemn the social justice movement and appearing to take a quite aggressive stance on the protests/riots.

While I think the NRA does tend to stay out of directly commenting on areas other than guns, I feel it's something they MUST do, and always work to do better.

In that thread I suggested that not everything in American society is going to stay white, straight, protestant, conservative, forever. Things change. That's life. To me, if we want RKBA (and the NRA which is pretty inextricably tied to our RKBA) not to die with the conservative trends of this decade or this generation, we need to be reinforcing the idea that the NRA is for ALL Americans. And RKBA is for ALL Americans. And we don't care if you're gay, black, liberal, Muslim, conservative, whether you're in favor of current policing tactics and trends or against them -- or what all. The 2nd Amendment is a valuable right for everyone, and the NRA is here to defend it for EVERONE.
Thanks everyone for the great input and dialogue.

The 2nd Amendment is a valuable right for everyone, and the NRA is here to defend it for EVERONE.

This sums up why I usually feel strongly that I want an NRA sticker on the vehicle. We have billboards for things that are much less important.
Other than being associated with the Republican Party (due to the Dem's hostile anti-gun stand), I don't see much affiliation with other groups. The NRA seems to stick to guns and gun rights, as it should. Everything else is, and should be, out-of-bounds. The Republicans may have other agendas but guilt by association is not right no matter who you are or who you represent.

They’ve waded pretty deeply into social justice issues - there’s a long thread about it elsewhere on THR.

More personally - the NRA’s associations and membership do color my view of the NRA. I’m definitely guilty of having that perception. It is what it is. I’ve felt welcomed by many NRA members at various places and events right up until they find out I’m the opposite of them on most issues except guns - then I’m told where I can stick it.

Just my 2¢
You quoted me, but it says Yo Mama...
Something weird happened to my post. I was actually replying to both quotes, but I must've missed a bracket or something and a bunch of my post didn't display. I think I've fixed it, now :thumbup:
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While I think the NRA does tend to stay out of directly commenting on areas other than guns, I feel it's something they MUST do, and always work to do better.

In that thread I suggested that not everything in American society is going to stay white, straight, protestant, conservative, forever. Things change. That's life. To me, if we want RKBA (and the NRA which is pretty inextricably tied to our RKBA) not to die with the conservative trends of this decade or this generation, we need to be reinforcing the idea that the NRA is for ALL Americans. And RKBA is for ALL Americans. And we don't care if you're gay, black, liberal, Muslim, conservative, whether you're in favor of current policing tactics and trends or against them -- or what all. The 2nd Amendment is a valuable right for everyone, and the NRA is here to defend it for EVERONE.

This, so much this.

And as aside, the best way to remove a bumper sticker from a car is by using a hair dryer first to loosen the glue- should come off no problem.
I’ve felt welcomed by many NRA members at various places and events right up until they find out I’m the opposite of them on most issues except guns - then I’m told where I can stick it.
Just a question on this statement. Is it the NRA who alienates you or is it some of the members? The NRA stands for guns and gun rights. It's membership is as diverse as our country. What you describe sounds like behavior of some of the membership, not as the NRA as an organization. There is a difference. It's like saying that the white supremist faction supports the NRA or Trump so everyone who supports the NRA or Trump is a white supremeist. As we know, that is not true but to many who think left, it is true.
Just a question on this statement. Is it the NRA who alienates you or is it some of the members?
? He said:
I’ve felt welcomed by many NRA members at various places and events right up until they find out I’m the opposite of them on most issues except guns - then I’m told where I can stick it.

Doesn't seem like he's saying the entire NRA lined up to kick him in the patoot.
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