Doublespeak - banning gun safe adds to...keep people safe

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
There's some seriously conflicting logic when FB decides to ban gun safe advertising to help keep people safe. o_O
Update on Saturday, January 16, 2021 at 11:00AM PT:

We are banning ads that promote weapon accessories and protective equipment in the US at least through January 22, out of an abundance of caution. We already prohibit ads for weapons, ammunition and weapon enhancements like silencers. But we will now also prohibit ads for accessories such as gun safes, vests and gun holsters in the US.
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funny, I've been looking at Optics and they show me like every 3rd post for weeks now is an advertizement for Optics... all of a sudden banning safes, trigger locks, and chamber flags, wll - that's going to keep people safe - out of an abundance of caution. at least through Jan 22nd? seems like distored virtue signaling, for a company that lies to millions of its users, might be as they say - to little too late. and poo on your, and your right to defend yourself.
Will they pay back all the paid advertisers? I'm still getting ads for VersaCarry and 1791 Gun Leather
More stupid from idiots going along with the bigger threat to our guns. All of this sort of thing falls under the umbrella of disarming us. Useful idiots or part of the drive to disarm us, it doesn't matter.

Not sure how you fight Facebook, other than never using it, which isn't going to happen for most people. Billions of people putting their every detail out there for the world to see gives them great power.
The more people talk about FB the more it’s almost free advertising for them. Negative discussion even feeds their agenda and their warped collective egos. Does anyone here really think FB gives a rip what we think? They probably revel in it.

Edit: auto correct really jacked up what I was saying in the second sentence. Fixed it.
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Ok so what can we do? Buy safes during this “safety” ban? If Liberty, Browning, Hornady and others are swarmed with orders during the period phazebuk banned advertising, might send a message to stop advertising there.
FB is a haven for one of the most common human traits in our species today; I have no self-esteem therefore I must seek it from the outside - I need attention from others to have worth. FB reeks of “look at me”, I need responses to verify that I have value.
For me, posting your life on social media is the little people’s way of making their own movie but with no plot, it is just ramblings. As has been eluded to before, “People have a great big hole through the middle of them and no amount of attention or recognition will ever fill it. They look for worth from the outside and never look inside, the source of real worth.”
One has to give great genius to the Zuckerberg's of the world, they read people like a book and played them like a fiddle.

A lot of people just use it to keep in touch with family and friends. It was actually fun at one time. I reconnected with a lot of old classmates on there which was cool. There are a lot of “ me me me” people on there as well though. And now it’s basically ruined by the censor police and “fact checkers”.
FB is a haven for one of the most common human traits in our species today; I have no self-esteem therefore I must seek it from the outside - I need attention from others to have worth. FB reeks of “look at me”, I need responses t verify that I have value.
For me, posting your life on social media is the little people’s way of making their own movie but with no plot, it is just ramblings. As has been eluded to before, “People have a great big hole through the middle of them and no amount of attention or recognition will ever fill it. They look for worth from the outside and never look inside, the source of real worth.”
One has to give great genius to the Zuckerberg's of the world, they read people like a book and played them like a fiddle.

Cloying, needy and desperate. Oh I need to see one more "Emotional IQ test", Sam is smart, insightful, kind, forgiving and patient, but don't take her kindness for weakness, she will put you in your place" blah blah blah. Tim scored a 9/10 on his personality quiz, yaaaaaay. Which Hollywood actor best represents Karen's personality..... bleh....

These are the worst our country has to offer. Just completely uninteresting. The people who spend their days uploading every moment of their lives have no story to tell, at least not an interesting story.

It's sad to think of what's to come of this and the next generation, the FB and Tweeter generation. It's an affront to what used to be our core values. In the coming years there will be less and less people who know their way around the woods and who know guns, how to build things with your hands, how to work on your machines and vehicles. Anything masculine is the object of hostility and scoffs. We are losing something big, people just can't see it because they are glued to their social media and its too easy to be irreverent to other people values and traditions if they don't directly effect you and your lifestyle choice.

In terms of the 2A specifically, people whose lifestyles doesn't necessitate the use of guns or just don't have any interest, those people want to decide for the rest of us and say what we should and should not have. They don't understand how the other half lives. They're so out of touch with the average person, they just can't see past their own needs. That's why I care least of all what any politician or celebrity thinks about it but sadly those are the people with the most influence. People who don't know nothing of the woods, don't know how to fix their own stuff or how to build, don't know how to harvest game or how to farm, never had to get their hands dirty,, the list goes on and on.
Sooooo, Facebook has a policy of no talking about guns, and we have a policy here that we can't not talk about guns. Sooooo, like even Steven?

No. This is a gun forum in which the mods may delete comments or threads which are not gun related, are personal attacks on another member or for another reason spelled out in the forum rules. They do not, however, censor comments for which they disagree. Facebook is censoring users with who's politics they disagree, not because those users violated a policy. They may claim the user violated their policy, but that often times does not pass the smell test. In short Facebook is pushing a political ideology. This forum is not.
Facebook logic: seeing ads for gun accessories or ammo may lead to more violence like the Capitol building incident.
I cannot imagine being so weak minded that ads lead to violence. But, that is anti-gun mentality for you.
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