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Ammunition prices

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George Mabry

Sep 11, 2010
I received an email the other day from CDNN advertising a sale on some of their ammunition. The ad stated that ammunition prices were going up 15-30% in March. Has something happened (new legislation?) that is causing a jump next month in price? I haven't heard of any such price jump across the board and didn't know if that was simply a reference to CDNN's prices or if something had happened to effect all ammo sales.
Not that I'm aware of. Metals are pretty much stable, maybe they're factoring in transportation costs with unrest in the Middle East.
Good call Chris... pretty much anyone who manufactures anything that is shipped or requires electricity will be raising their prices.
You might be right Chris. I think I'll mosey on down to my gun shop and stock up on some reloading components today just to be on the safe side. Thanks for the reply.
I received an email the other day from CDNN advertising a sale on some of their ammunition. The ad stated that ammunition prices were going up 15-30% in March.

They're trying to get you to buy something from them.
They'll say anything.
Word is that there will be a price increase at the manufacturer level this spring. It may not impact Walmart immediately depending on when their contacts renew.
Actually metal prices have been going up steadily, at least that's what I've been hearing from just about every source I can find on the price increases. Powder Valley has posted up some information on upcoming price increases from most manufacturers and if you go to the reloading page on Cabelas's website, they have a notice up about all metal reloading supplies increasing in price in the near future.
EVERYTHING is going up

The government has been selling itself t-bills and printing money.

The dollar is starting it's negative trajectory and the bubble will burst soon.

The weak dollar is why gas is up.

Everything especially food and clothing will be going up big time soon.

Stock up on ammo. food and clothing now.

Look around and prepare for whats coming!
Increase in gas prices=increase in all goods. All products are shipped via truck, train, plane, and boat. All of these shipping vehicles require fuel. If fuel prices go up the companys selling good will not eat the increase.....They pass it onto us the consumer. Don't want to loose any of that profit margin!!! Also add in the fact that Ammo is in HIGH demand, and the fact that the dollar is loosing value and there you go. Jacked up prices. But wait, there's more!!! It will not stop there ALL items bought by consumers will be going up in price for the same reasons. Most of all gas (the root of all evil), engine oil, tires, pretty much all rubber and petroleum based goods, food, etc. the list goes on.

Oh Chicken Little, how everyone has forgotten about you....

Oh its not chicken little.....Its American business. Wake up.

The government has been selling itself t-bills and printing money.

The dollar is starting it's negative trajectory and the bubble will burst soon.

The weak dollar is why gas is up.

Everything especially food and clothing will be going up big time soon.

Stock up on ammo. food and clothing now.

Look around and prepare for whats coming!

Now this is an AWAKE statement written by a true survivalist who knows the truth. Take notes and do the same. These are rough seas ahead. We have yet to see the true "bad" of this "recession". I'm not saying the sky is falling or selling conspiracies but you can bet I will be ready if, and/or when the bottom does fall out.
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The sky is falling. The sky is falling.


Let me fix that for you... :D

The dollar is falling! The dollar is falling!

I haven't heard of any such price jump across the board

According to what I have read there will be one. Winchester and Remington have already announced an increase coming in either March or April. It looks like everyone is following suit. It's been mentioned a few times over in the reloading/handloading forums. It looks like it is due to rising cost of materials and fuel. Like TX Expat said, PV has posted it as well as a few others.

To be honest, I am surprised that we haven't seen one earlier. Anybody been grocery shopping lately?

The government has been selling itself t-bills and printing money.

The dollar is starting it's negative trajectory and the bubble will burst soon.

The weak dollar is why gas is up.

Everything especially food and clothing will be going up big time soon.

Stock up on ammo. food and clothing now.

Look around and prepare for whats coming!

Oh Chicken Little, how everyone has forgotten about you....

Screaming that the sky is falling doesn't automatically make it not so. :what:
Increase in gas prices=increase in all goods. All products are shipped via truck, train, plane, and boat. All of these shipping vehicles require fuel. If fuel prices go up the companys selling good will not eat the increase.....They pass it onto us the consumer. Don't want to loose any of that profit margin!!! Also add in the fact that Ammo is in HIGH demand, and the fact that the dollar is loosing value and there you go. Jacked up prices. But wait, there's more!!! It will not stop there ALL items bought by consumers will be going up in price for the same reasons. Most of all gas (the root of all evil), engine oil, tires, pretty much all rubber and petroleum based goods, food, etc. the list goes on.

Oh its not chicken little.....Its American business. Wake up.

Now this is an AWAKE statement written by a true survivalist who knows the truth. Take notes and do the same. These are rough seas ahead. We have yet to see the true "bad" of this "recession". I'm not saying the sky is falling or selling conspiracies but you can bet I will be ready if, and/or when the bottom does fall out.

Actually, passing it on to the consumer is not always true. The seller has to look at several factors such as the elasticity of the product and materials along with some consumer theory models. Companies can make more money in some situations if they cover the increase on fuel them selves and keep their goods constant. Too much to go into on a forum. If interested, take quantitative micro economic theory.

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We are, well being accused of, devaluating our own dollar so our exports are more attractive. Blame the oh so wonderful president we have...ugh

Ya.....Its bad. The old dollar don't go as far as it used to. It makes me happy my wife and I have access to the SAFB Commissary!

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This time is when ammo prices always go up.
Current unrest has pushed prices on base metals, oil, etc. up drastically and sharply.
New and increased taxes on business will result in increased costs - example, my wife's insurance costs are going up 30% due to Obamacare, and it isn't scheduled to go into effect until next year.

If you folks think the only costs is the components, you are mistaken - component costs are minimal compared to labor, taxes, insurance, benefits, utilities, inventory, shipping, etc
Well, even Brad at MB has said he is going to have to increase prices soon. That is in a post in the reloading section FYI.Try being a Plumber and bidding on a new project these days.:banghead:
The price of copper and lead is going up...again.
The value of the dollar is going down...again.

The recent report by the Powers That Be says that there is no inflation...but a bit of research shows that consumer commodities are using the same sized boxes and delivering a bit less product.

This has been a popular ploy with laundry detergent, coffee and breakfast cereal for some time, but it is spreading. You do not notice any difference, because the package is the same size as ever...but the package is 10-20% less full.

People will notice it one day, when the package is half full.

Not so easy to do with a 50-round box of ammo, or a gallon of gasoline. That is why ammo and fuel prices increase in a more linear (and transparent) fashion.
I agree that we have not seen the worst of this downturn. We cannot keep adding debt, printing money which devalues the dollar, etc with paying the piper down the road. That combined with metals going up will translate to higher prices on everything.

Not Chicken Little. Just plain old common sense.

Add to that oil going up which makes it more expensive to deliver everything to manufacturers, stores, customers, and it all adds up to higher prices.

Start voting for fiscally responsible politicians (Is there such a thing?) is all I can advise.

Always buy a little extra when you purchase ammo or components so your stock builds up. That way you can ride out the peaks in prices when they come along from time to time.

Don't go nuts, just buy a little extra every time. :)
Remember the Y2K nonsense, that never happened ...
It didn't happen because billions of dollars were frantically spent to prevent it.

I stock up on ammo every chance I get. Being prepared has nothing to do with panic or conspiracy theories, just a recognition that the future is unknown.
Thanks for the Chicken Little moniker, I like it.

I'd like to have a beer with you and laugh about it 5 years from now.

Nothing would please me more than being wrong.

We gunners like to say, "Its better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it."

There is nothing wrong with having a few 5 gallon buckets of beans and rice in the basement next to several cases of ammo.

Why does the government need or want such tight control of food and seeds?

Why are they playing chicken over a 1.8% spending cut on what every one agrees is an unsustainable spending level?

Why have they stockpiled coffins?

I very much hope there is not a government engineered apochalypse in our future, but if ANYthing terrible happens I'd rather weather it out in my home than be lured to a FEMA camp with the promise of food.

One of the few things I've learned in my 50 years is that there is no floor for bad, it can always get worse to an alarming degree.

It's only called hoarding by those who didn't prepare.
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