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A funny video about guns in New Jersey

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NJ has worse gun laws than most other countries in the world. Yes, that's right, there are European countries with better gun laws! I got whiplash from hitting my head against the wall because of all the wallbangers in NJ law.
Hilarious video love how informative, amusing, and well thought out it is. Even my wife (who doesn't shoot yet) laughed, especially at the "Mentally Ill' character. I plan to show this to my very liberal uncle, if only to watch him try to squirm his way into justifying the NJ laws. (He'll try, trust me he'll try) Overall and awesome video, going on my facebook wall!
This is 100% True. In France Black Powder Percussion Revolvers are free to be purchased by people over 18 years of age, Not So In New Jersey. Most of Eastern Europe as well and parts of Scandinavia and the Baltic Nations. New Jersey New York,CA, MD, MA,IL, WA are Tolitarian Police States that have no respect for the Second Amendment or the Bill Of Rights. What a Disgrace We must change this!


Join Date: May 1, 2011
Posts: 950 NJ has worse gun laws than most other countries in the world. Yes, that's right, there are European countries with better gun laws! __________________
^ I'm not totally sure if you're being sarcastic, so I'm going to post a large section of text about Czech gun laws.

Copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_the_Czech_Republic

Current law[6]

[edit]Categories of guns

Among popular guns is Vz. 58. While the full automatic version requires exemption by police, which is rarely given (for example in case of extremely dangerous occupation like transporting large sums of money), the semi automatic version can be easily legally obtained.

Private ownership of heavy military machinery, such as tanks, is possible for collecting purposes.[7] However obtaining the necessary exemption from police is rather difficult, in most cases also inoperability of the canon is required.[8]
Under the current gun law, guns, ammunition and some accessories are divided into four categories:
A - Restricted firearms and accessories
Includes full automatic firearms, military firearms, military ammunition, some types of ammunition such as hollow point and other expanding bullets, tasers, suppressors and gun mounted laser pointers.
B - Guns requiring permit
Includes semi automatic handguns, single shot and semi automatic center fire rifles and semi automatic military style rifles.
C - Guns requiring registration
Includes single shot or bolt action, rimfire rifles and small caliber rifles.
D - Guns available to adults above 18
Includes air guns (muzzle energy up to 16J), mechanical guns, replicas, expansion guns and .22 CB cap.
A person must obtain the Gun License (Zbrojní průkaz) to be allowed to own gun of categories A, B and C. To own a gun in the D category the age of 18 is required. A, B and C category weapon has to be registered with the police after it is bought.
[edit]Categories of licences
There are six categories of gun license; however, these should not be mistaken with the categories for guns.
A - For collecting guns
B - For sport shooting
C - For hunting
D - For person's occupation
E - For the purpose of self-defense
F - For the purpose of pyrotechnical survey
[edit]Obtaining a license
Person applies for the gun license at the police. If the conditions of age, qualification, health clearance, criminal integrity and personal reliability are met and a fee of 500 CZK per category is paid, the license is issued in 30 days. The license must be renewed every five years.
To obtain a license B, or C, the applicant must be at least 18 years old. Under special circumstances, the applicant need to be only 15 if a member of a sporting club or 16 if taught hunting in schools with such curriculum. To obtain license A, D or E, the applicant must be 21.

Apart from gun legislation, the theoretical part of the exam focuses also on first aid

Field strip is usually required to demonstrate "safe handling"

Driving under the influence leads also to loss of gun licence, as the person does not fulfill the "personal reliability" condition any more[9]
Obtaining the license requires passing written and oral exam, mainly concentrated on the legislation about guns and first aid, as well as passing the shooting test. The written exam requires specific scores different for each category of license. Generally A, B, C is the easiest, and the E is the hardest, requiring almost a 100% score.
The oral exam is supposed to test the person's general knowledge about guns. So called "safe handling" of the firearms has to be demonstrated to the inspector. This usually comprises safely unloading the firearm and performing a field strip. Applicants for more license groups are usually asked to show their ability of safe manipulation on multiple firearms (such as pistol and shotgun).
The shooting test requires specific scores dependent on the category of license applied for.
For the B category license it is 25m on rifle target (A4 sheet sized) with 4 out of 5 rounds hitting the target sheet shooting from a rifle. Usually .22 Long Rifle chambered rifle is used.
For the E category license, the applicant must successfully hit the international pistol target (50 cm x 50 cm) from a distance of 10m (15m for D category license) shooting from a pistol, 4 out 5 rounds must hit the sheet. Also the applicant must successfully hit the rifle target from the distance of 25m shooting from a shotgun, 2 out of 3 rounds must hit the target.
In each of the cases above, the actual score is irrelevant, only the projectiles have to hit the target sheet.
In each of the cases the applicant is allowed 3 test shots to familiarize with the particular firearm used for the test. The shotgun is an exception to this, where only one round is allowed as a test shot.
The person can obtain more or all of the categories at once if their scores are high enough for each category. Typically, people obtain E and B category because these two categories provides the best versatility (almost any firearm can be owned and carried concealed). The D category is required by the law for the members of the metropolitan police (the state police does not need license) and does not itself permit private gun ownership.
Health clearance
It is also necessary to present the approval from the applicant's general practitioner that they are physically and mentally fit to own and carry gun. It is fully up to the person's doctor whether he insists on them to go through psychological testing. In reality, the psychological test is rarely requested.
Integrity (criminal)
The enactment specifies, how long time must run by after a person is released from prison for serving time for particular groups of crimes. There is a central registry for these purposes in the Czech Republic.
Personal reliability
A person, who excessively drinks alcohol or uses illegal drugs, as well who was repeatedly found guilty of one of specified misdemeanors in the preceding three years, is considered unreliable for the purposes of issuing a gun licence. The police has the right to inquire information regarding these issues also from municipal authorities.
[edit]Obtaining a license by a foreigner
Foreigners that hold legal permanent residency may purchase firearms after obtaining corresponding licenses and permits. Foreign born residents are treated equally in the eye of Czech law (see above), but proof of a lack of criminal record in their country of origin must be provided, as well as documentation showing that they were allowed to own firearms before moving to the Czech Republic (this at least applies to the EU citizens, US citizens are not being questioned about this). All the documents must be translated into Czech language by an official translator. The law on firearm ownership by immigrants is ambiguous, so every police department has slightly different rules.
The written test as well as the practical exam has to be passed in Czech language, but a legal interpreter/translator is allowed.
[edit]Obtaining guns

ČZ 75 is the most common gun in the country[9]
Each of the A, B, C and E categories of gun license basically allow the person to buy any category of gun. In case of A license the person is usually only permitted to keep them at home. In case of B the person is allowed to use their guns at the shooting ranges. The C category is required by other laws for hunting. The E category allows the person to own a gun for self-defense purpose and carry the concealed weapon. All guns need to be registered in 10 days after buying at the shop except for the D category.
To obtain the gun from the A category the person must ask for the Exemption from the police and demonstrate a specific reason why they want such weapon. Typically for collecting purpose or rarely working in extremely dangerous occupation like transporting large sums of money where full autos can be allowed for owning or even carrying. However, the attitude to issuing permit for A category of guns is quite strict and it is usually impossible for a person to obtain it without having an obvious reason.
The B category of guns requires permit from the police. Before buying the gun the person must visit the police and fill in the "Permit to buy, own and carry" form for the particular weapon (depending on the police department, usually caliber and type of weapon is required). The police will issue the permit in several days if the applicant has valid gun license and still has no criminal record since issuing the gun license. It is also required to have a good reason, but competition shooting, hunting, collecting and even self-defense are accepted.
The C category of guns can be bought in a gun shop after presenting the gun license. However, the gun needs to be registered later at the police.
There is no limit in the law on number of owned guns. The law specifies safe storage requirements for those owning more than two weapons.
[edit]Shooting ranges
Firearm owners are allowed to practice only at licensed shooting ranges. As of 2011, there are almost two hundreds places opened for the public. [10] Any adult can visit such a range and shoot from available weapons, without restrictions or permits. A person without Gun license has to be supervised.
[edit]Carrying a concealed weapon

The RAMI versions of ČZ 75 are specially designed for concealed carry and prompt defence over short distances[11]

It is forbidden to carry any type of gun on demonstration. Police often provides searches for guns especially in case of parallel demonstrations of ideological adversaries, such as left-wing and right-wing extremists. The picture depicts police cordon defending Queer Parade 2008 in Brno against intrusions by right-wing extremists: only those who undergo search for guns are allowed further
Unlike most European countries where permits to carry a concealed weapon is only issued to individuals who demonstrate a specific reason, in the Czech Republic it is a common part of the citizen's right to own guns and every holder of the category E license is allowed to carry a concealed weapon after the formal approval is given (no justification is needed). According to the law, the guns cannot be carried into the courts, or at demonstrations and mass meetings. It is also generally considered irresponsible to take guns to clubs or bars even though it is not explicitly prohibited by law.[6] Carrying a gun while drunk is however illegal and can lead to heavy fines or losing the gun license.
Carrying guns in schools and campuses is not prohibited by law and there are no so called "Gun-free zones".
Gun must be carried in a concealed manner and no more than two firearms for self-defense can be carried by one person. For special purposes, open carry can be allowed by the police. Carrying concealed weapon is not the subject of controversy in the Czech Republic probably because in reality it does not cause any trouble.
Since the Czech Republic is relatively a safe country, most people agree that they do not feel the need to permanently carry a gun for protection. Considering the number of the E category licenses there are about 200 000 people who could potentially carry a firearm however it is not clear how many of them regularly do so.[12]

All of the high penetrating (armor piercing) and hollow point ammunition is classified as category A (see above). The alternative to a hollow point ammunition was Federal EFMJ, which has been classified into the arms group A in mid 2009, effectively outlawing it. Therefore only Full metal jacket or soft nosed semi jacketed rounds and or just unjacketed bullets (lead only) are allowed. Generally, no ammunition with higher wounding potential is allowed.
[edit]Self defense with firearms

There are no specific legal provisions covering self defense by a civilian using a firearm. The general provision regarding criminal aspects of self defense are contained in § 29 (Necessary self defense) of the Criminal Code.[13] General provisions regarding civil liability in respect of self defense are contained in § 418 of the Civil Code.[14]
In general, Czech penal theory recognizes certain classes of circumstances where criminal liability will be excluded in respect of actions which would normally attract a criminal penalty. These include "utmost necessity", "necessary self defense" and other cases involving "eligible use of a gun".[15]
[edit]Utmost Necessity
Utmost necessity may be invoked where an interest protected by the Criminal Code (such as right to property or right to life) is endangered. An example of necessity would be a defense against a raging dog (unless the dog was directly sent by the owner, which would be case of necessary defense). The necessity may be invoked only in case of imminent danger and only if there is no other way of avoiding it (subsidiarity), such as locking oneself behind a fence or calling the police. Also, the consequence of the necessity must be less serious than the consequence of the endangering act (proportionality).[15]
Necessity is excluded in cases where:[15]
the consequence of necessity is equal to or greater than that of endangerment
the necessity continues after the endangerment has ceased
the endangerment could have been deflected in other ways, i.e. with less serious consequences
there is a duty to withstand the endangerment (a special situation which does not cover civilians)
[edit]Necessary self defense
The basis of necessary self defense is deflection of an imminent or ongoing attack against an interest covered by the Criminal Code (such as right to property or right to life) by performing an action which would otherwise be punishable (such as use of a firearm against the other person). The imminent part means that a party is evidently and immediately threatened, it is not necessary to wait for the attacker to start the attack, especially if he is known for his aggressiveness. (That, however, is not the case if the attack is being prepared, but not imminent). The necessary self defense may also be enacted when defending someone else's interest (i.e. defending their person or their property) as long as the same requirements are met. However, defending against a provoked attack is not considered "necessary self defense".[15]
There is no requirement of subsidiarity: in this respect "necessary self defense" differs from "utmost necessity". The main limitation is that the defense may not be manifestly disproportionate to the manner of the attack. The manner of the attack is not the same as its intensity, which is only a part of it. For example, "intensity" covers whether the attack is committed by a single attacker or a group, with or without a gun, and the relative strength of the attacker and the party attacked, etc. But the manner also includes future imminent dangers, such as the possibility that single attacker might imminently be joined by others.[15]
As regards proportionality, the law states that a self defense may not be manifestly disproportionate. It is evident, that for a self defense to be successful, it has to be performed on a level exceeding the attack. Unlike in case of necessity, the consequence of necessary self defense may be more serious than consequence of the attack. The defense may not be restricted to a passive one, it can also be active. It not the outcome of the incident but the sequence of actions at its beginning which determines who is to be deemed the attacker, and who is the party attacked. [15]
There are two main excesses, which are not recognized as necessary self defense:[15]
defense, which continues after the attack is over, i.e. when a robber is running away without any loot (excess in time)
defense, which is manifestly disproportionate, such as shooting children who steal apples from a tree, or shooting a perpetrator who has passed over a fence, without giving indication of further malevolent or criminal intentions (excess in intensity)
[edit]Eligible use of a gun
Eligible use of a gun is addressed in special enactments dealing with police, secret security service, prison guards etc.[15] Thus for example a policeman may shoot on escaping suspect, a privilege which an armed civilian does not have.
[edit]General tendencies
It is acceptable to defend from a violent attack anywhere on the street especially when a person is attacked with a knife or another deadly weapon. Shooting an unarmed attacker also occurs and becomes sometimes a subject of controversy.[16] However several incidents from the past few years have showed that the Czech courts are moving towards more liberal interpretation of the self defense and tend not to charge people who defended themselves with any crime.[16]
The American style Castle Doctrine is also not applied however it is usually considered acceptable to defend from a violent home invasion with a firearm.
One thing I still can't figure out (not that there is any real sense made by NJ law) is why the M1 Carbine is illegal. Many models have no pistol grip, no bayonet lug, no flash suppressor/threaded barrel, no collapsible stock. Nothing in the SSRNJ's "evil" looks category.


I would really like one for my WWII collection.
The M1 Carbine was never on the last till the last minute. Some gang bangers in Newark held up a liquor store with a rifle one week before the final draft of the NJAWB was written.

Want to guess what the rifle was?????? True story too.
One thing they forgot to mention about the NJ laws, is that it's a "must retreat" state, and you have no civil lawsuit protection in case of a home invasion self-defense scenario. Add that to the ridiculousness...
One thing they forgot to mention about the NJ laws, is that it's a "must retreat" state, and you have no civil lawsuit protection in case of a home invasion self-defense scenario. Add that to the ridiculousness...
Mind if you site that statue? (referring to "must retreat" that is)

I only ask because my understanding is well, not that.
Why do people live in NJ? All this nonsense can be avoided if people stay out of those places. It's one good thing about living in FL. I have to drive a long long way to get to those dumps.
1. They grew up there.
2. Their job is there.
2a. They are stationed there and have no choice.
3. Their family is there.
4. It is a central location on the east coast with NYC and Philadelphia and other major metropolitans nearby.
4b. Geographically speaking, it is an excellent location to live.

As you can see, there are lots of reasons.
Regarding as to if NJ is a must-retreat state, here it is:


3. N.J.S.2C:3-4 is amended to read as follows:
2C:3-4. Use of Force in Self-Protection.

(2) The use of deadly force is not justifiable under this section unless the actor reasonably believes that such force is necessary to protect himself against death or serious bodily harm; nor is it justifiable if:

(b) The actor knows that he can avoid the necessity of using such force with complete safety by retreating or by surrendering possession of a thing to a person asserting a claim of right thereto or by complying with a demand that he abstain from any action which he has no duty to take, except that:

except that:
(i) The actor is not obliged to retreat from his dwelling, unless he was the initial aggressor; and

So it's must-retreat, except in your own home.
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I lived there for a couple of years.

Some observations:

1. Can't pump your own gas (not bad when it's 15 degrees outside but otherwise it's kinda a pain)
2. Can rarely make a left turn (gotta use those jughandles)
3. Can't buy beer/wine at the grocery store
4. Car insurance is $$$$$ (even if you live in rural south Jersey)
5. Guidos
1. They grew up there.
2. Their job is there.
2a. They are stationed there and have no choice.
3. Their family is there.
4. It is a central location on the east coast with NYC and Philadelphia and other major metropolitans nearby.
4b. Geographically speaking, it is an excellent location to live.

As you can see, there are lots of reasons.
Those are reasons. Only #2 is a real problem, and it's temporary. People sold off everything they had, spent every dime they had on a boat ticket, sailed for a month, never to see their relatives again, and hopped off onto foreign ground to make a new life in a place that hopefully wasn't as bad as the place they came. Renting a U-Haul, loading up all the stuff, and driving a few hours doesn't sound all that hard. I'm not big city folk so I don't see the appeal of being close to such places. Especially if I have to give up a load of freedom to do it.
1 MILLION gun owners. Wonder how many of them voted for Lautenburg and before him Corzine...and Obama/Biden??? I suspect thousands!! God helps those that help themselves.

Dont feel bad, we have em here, also.
Those are reasons. Only #2 is a real problem, and it's temporary. People sold off everything they had, spent every dime they had on a boat ticket, sailed for a month, never to see their relatives again, and hopped off onto foreign ground to make a new life in a place that hopefully wasn't as bad as the place they came. Renting a U-Haul, loading up all the stuff, and driving a few hours doesn't sound all that hard. I'm not big city folk so I don't see the appeal of being close to such places. Especially if I have to give up a load of freedom to do it.
That's exactly what the corrupt anti-gun politicians in NJ want him to do.... LEAVE, so that they can continue their assualt against the 2A, with one less opponent.

Don't you think it would be better for people to stand up and fight for their rights rather than to just jump on their horse and run away? Suppossed Mrs. Parker and Mr. Heller had simply moved out of DC instead of staying and fighting? Suppossed Mr. McDonald had just moved out of Illinois instead of staying and fighting for change in Chicago? Wisconsin will soon become shall issue on November 1st because people had the courage to stay and fight for change.

Join and work with pro-gun organizations in NJ to change the laws. Get out and spread pro-2A information and literature among the masses. Stop voting for the corrupt politicians who support these laws.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Martin Luther King Jr
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