Al Franken Blinks on AWB

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At a press conference Wednesday, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said he supports two key parts of President Obama’s plan to deal with gun violence: new limits on high-capacity magazines and strengthening background checks for gun buyers.

Franken did not take a position on an assault weapons ban. ”He’s been listening to Minnesota, trying to be thoughtful on this and trying to get input from people from a wide spectrum of views,” a spokesman told the Rochester Post-Bulletin. The senator himself later told the paper, “I also support the principle that we should reinstate a ban on assault weapons, and I will carefully review any proposal to do that.”
Woohoo maybe my email to him was not entirely in vain.

Thank you on behalf of all of us for writing in to him. It's easy to be glum and think that contacting a legislator won't change anything. But these few hundred votes on any possible gun control measures have such large implications that each one counts, and each person behind that vote should be contacted by constituents. You rock, man.

a while back he took a rather literal interpertation on the 4a during a PATRIOT act hearing (I'm going from memory here, look for it on YouTube)
someone should remind him about that day and ask him to read the 2a out loud
It's actually difficult for me to take Ol' Stuart Smalley seriously :rolleyes: (not sure what MN. was thinking by electing SNL people for the United States Congress)...That said I do not find anything positive in the aforementioned link as it looks like more status-quo Dem anti behavior?
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Sounds like he's trying to walk the reelection tightrope. He only won on the slimmest of margins to begin with.
Freaky Frank is just playing his cards--another politician that talks and says nothing.

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." ;) This may be lost on the younger crowd here that's not familiar with 20th Century SNL...
Not all gun owners and RKBA proponents are Republicans.

Why do so many people not grasp that?
Me neither. I got left behind by both quite a few years ago.
I think you and I are no longer the "exception" to the rule. As you mentioned, they both seem to have veered off course to say the least. That said, we're in a position come voting time where we have to analyse the "two choices" and then "pick your poison" so to speak. Not ideal by a long-shot but it's just one of those things you've gotta do in terms of attempting to put in office politicians that will best "defend" 2A.

I see you're in CO.--I used to live there (Den./Aurora) in the mid-90s' when it was more of a "Red State" so things are fluid in the Country big-time with ever-changing Demographics...
Woohoo maybe my email to him was not entirely in vain.

I followed a link the other day to e-mail my congressional reps about all this upcoming gun control legislation. Then I realized who my reps were:
Senator John Cornyn, Senator Ted Cruz, and U.S. Rep Joe Barton.

No sense wasting my time e-mailing those guys, they know how I feel.
They feel the same way.:D

I just wish more members of Congress felt the same way MY reps feel about "gun control".

I vote by their, voting on gun issues
Yeah--we get heavily criticized at times by voting per "litmus test" on 2A...But I think many of us believe that if a politician does not support 2A, then his or her entire character cannot be trusted (in all policy arenas)…It's just that fundamental.
Not all gun owners and RKBA proponents are Republicans.

Why do so many people not grasp that?

While not are all Republicans (Libertarian here) I cannot fathom why somebody who feels strongly about RKBA issues would be a Democrat.
I find that I agree with a very High majority of politicians on other topics that are truely Pro 2A.

I can handle differences in a lot of things, but if they are not out to change the constitution (IE they aren't trying to FORCE me to think / act their way) it's okay with me.
^ Agree. There are a lot of Dems, who pay the 2A lip service to get voted in, but they are dangerous.... The Dems usually find a way to get their members to tow the part line.
As someone from MN I know how I will be voting when this guy comes up for re-election. My guess is he will not like it. I sent a few emails to him and got a canned response also that they received it and nothing else. Same goes for the other 2 I emailed. I do like the video that was put together by the owner of Fleet Farm supporting the 2A. This week on their weekely ad they had a 9mm on the front cover. Here is a link to the video
The Democrat Party strategy is a clever one: ralley every little group behind them with the promise of action but never deliver, all the while name calling. All for gay rights (but no legislative action, let courts handle it and no Social Security for spouses), all for legalizing drugs (but maybe not at the Federal level), all for saving the planet (but happy to accept fines in place of restrictions). They've convinced minorities that Republicans are racists, check the vote on civil rights legislation- you'll see which party sent the bill to JFK. Which party gave Colin Powell every prominent position he ever held (what a turncoat). Remember what Democrats had to say about Clarence Thomas? All for grassroots organizations unless it's the Tea Party. Should have had Bill Clinton lead the discussion on the "War on Women" and Obama should have given his speech about protecting children on the steps of an abortion clinic.

They don't work in principle or in practice and while I'm registered independent, it isn't difficult to spot the liars, the instigators, the real freedom hating fear mongers. Don't think for a second that Al Franken cares one iota for any part of our Constitution that doesn't suit his personal and party agenda.
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