walmart now selling rocket launchers and "military grade ammo".

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Bhi curamach

Jul 12, 2012
Act now I guess. You know, before they are all sold out...
I had the misfortune to overhear this nonsense being spouted off at an elementary school function this evening.
I was ordered not to inject myself into this conversation so I refrained from informing several misguided parents the actual facts of what they were discussing.
The most disturbing aspect was how completely and utterly sure the speaker was of this and some other "facts".
Or maybe it was how the others in the group took it as actual truth and swore immediate action.
Mind boggling.
I was half tempted to see how far I could push it.
"Gold jewelry has been found toxic!
Quick, hand it over, I happen to be a licensed disposal expert, as a cavorted I will waive my fee because I care about your safety!"
Or some such nonsense. Feel free to make up your own as well!
The less people know about their subject, the firmer their opinions are. It is as if ignorance is a point of view.
and still, they probably knew as much as those who author our gun laws. Dianne Finestien knows about as much about guns [or less] than my dentist. why are those least qualified allowed to be our leaders?
Although it might be a arguing with idiots moment please set these idiots straight. If you are able to stop the :barf:information:barf: that they are spouting, maby just maby the other parents will listen. I have a hard time letting a blow hard poison children's minds.
My Wal-Mart sold XM855, which I believe is military overrun that Federal sells to the public. It will certainly shoot through 3/8" mild steel. Not sure on the rocket launchers though.
My Wal-Mart sold XM855, which I believe is military overrun that Federal sells to the public. It will certainly shoot through 3/8" mild steel. Not sure on the rocket launchers though.
Found it.
So is there a limit at Wally World on rocket launchers. Limit five per customer? I've personally never seen them but sign me up! Probably make for some great coyote hunting. I just hope I don't have to pay for a $200 tax stamp for it.
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Your school admin. must be the same bunch that have outlawed the mini toy soldiers that could have tiny toy weapons hidden in their plastic clothing.:D

SERIOUSLY the term "educated idiots" rings true in many instances as of late sadly.
People are extremely stupid and gullible.

My wife called me today and frantically asked if the assault weapons ban had passed. I told her no, that they hadn't even voted on it yet and she then explained to me that my brother in law was telling here that the ban had just passed.

I got him on the phone and told him to calm down and stop being so ignorant. I then explained to him that the ban was unlikely to pass given the current political climate and told him to wait a few months until the panic buyers started selling their rifles.

I predict that six months from now when all of this crap has cooled off and people have calmed down, there will be dirt cheap AR15's in every gun store.
I predict that six months from now when all of this crap has cooled off and people have calmed down, there will be dirt cheap AR15's in every gun store.

I hope so. For the right price, I'd pick one up "just because."
Well, it has to be true cause a Lib said so... AND did you know that they sell ammo for shooting at Monopoly Boards? The box said "GAME" on it. The Zombies will be coming soon, cause they wouldn't sell ammo marked "ZOMBIE" on it if they wasn't coming. But most of all, Winchester is the worst, as they want us to shoot at cripples because they have shotgun shells that are marked "HANDICAP".
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My Wal-Mart sold XM855, which I believe is military overrun that Federal sells to the public. It will certainly shoot through 3/8" mild steel. Not sure on the rocket launchers though.
Military grade 5.56 ammo despite the higher pressures and muzzle velocities lacks the expansion properties of hunting.sporting bullets in SP and Hp (not withstanding the MK318 SOST rounds). There could be an argument put forth (if allowed) that it is less damaging to tissue on impact. I know this might be a little deep for most lib gun grabbing neophytes.
Well, nobody is ever going to tell me to keep out of any conversation where pure lies and fantasy are being spread. I feel like it is my duty, and the duty of every responsible gun owner to say something, to educate the uneducated. Try to stop me.
Who exactly "ordered" you not to inject yourself in the conversation? Seems like they knew very well they were spreading BS and didn't want you ruining the fun.
Some "issues" easily get the "town`s people" all stirred up. Just like the old Westerns.
Somebody is in front of the masses, who are carring torches, yelling, Wal-Mart is selling this or that. Lets get-um!!

Hard to believe, people can`t seem to think for themselves.
I here misinformation from both sides every day, but have never heard a pro gun person say Wal Mart is selling RPG`s.

The THR threads are replete with words from misinformed pro gun people.
You people need to stop buying these cheap Chinese rocket launchers at Walmart. It just makes it harder and harder for mom and pop AMERICAN rocket launcher shops to stay in business. Besides, these imported rocket launchers aren't mil-spec, and they're full of junk MIM parts and pot metal.

Buy American!
I remember attending one of these school meetings the last time we went through the 'ban everything because we're too stupid to know what we're talking about' times (1998) and, at that time it was stated, in front of all in attendance, that we had more gun shops in town than convenience stores. I extrapolated this would mean at least 117 gun shops. I have lived here for 29 years and can guarantee I know where all of the gun shops are and have used most of the FFL Holders who don't have a gun shop. Not even close to! Forget the gun shop label. These people are masters of pulling info out of their butt.
Awesome! Walmart is selling ROCKET LAUNCHERS! Great! Wait until these people grab their torches and pitchforks, march down to the store, and demand the manager take them off the shelf!

What better way to make them prove the completely misinformed and ignorant dweebs they are? You did the right thing!

This is exactly the reason why we shouldn't address every stupid lie - ones like this don't need defending when it's patently untrue and makes those who utter them lose credibility. They have set themselves up for failure in every public meeting from now one.

All you have to do now is simply remind folks, "Hey, this is the person who was hysterical over Walmart selling rocket launchers to school kids. And you're going to believe them?"

On the other hand, a combative shouting match would have painted you the bully, overly aggressive, and a potential menace.

Pick your fight. You can't fix stupid.
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