Recent content by 12131

  1. 1

    Gun stickers on cars

    I support the Second Amendment but...:rolleyes:
  2. 1

    Be Honest; How many bought ammo today?

    None. Honest.
  3. 1

    Damn, I have a $160 range bag :P

    Looks like a boating accident waiting to happen.:evil:
  4. 1

    Let's Make a Deal-NFA and UBC's

    How many times have we had this "deal" thread? And, the overwhelming answer has always been the same.
  5. 1

    Only buy this gun when NIB...

    For Sale: KGB rectal gun. Only 1 round down the pipe. Near mint condition. :evil:
  6. 1

    A challenge for the president

    Not gonna happen. The teleprompter reader will be speechless.
  7. 1

    Hate Rhetoric: New York Daily News Labels NRA’s LaPierre ‘Terrorist’

    I agree. At least they outed John Edwards for the slime ball that he is.
  8. 1

    GUN PORN! (Yes, it’s out there)!

    Agree, also. But, the correct terminology is gun pr0n.:D
  9. 1

    What's the next shoe to drop in Federal legislation?

    I'm surprised it's not locked, already. To me, this kind of "blue skying" is at the same level as SHTF topic.
  10. 1

    How many times have you heard this?

    And, who here still want to buy a Remington R51, after reading about it on the internet?
  11. 1

    How many times have you heard this?

    I do NOT buy guns from Blackthorne/Vulcan/Hesse, Jennings, Phoenix, Raven, Lorcin, Jimenez, Davis, Bryco, etc., and I never had personal experience with them.:evil:
  12. 1

    Gun death solutions from the firearms community?

    Here's the problem that some, or even many, gun owners do not realize. Or maybe, they're in denial. The ultimate goal of the anti side is the eventual total ban of private firearm ownership, period. They can tell you otherwise, but they're just lying to you to lull you into a comfortable...
  13. 1

    Gallery Of Pairs-Consecutive & Identical

    There can't be such a thing as "consecutive & identical", but I'll try, anyway.:evil: