Recent content by 2/9 Manchu

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    Need Advise

    Thanks!! Just got a couple of manuals in the mail and will start studing. Again, thanks for the info.
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    Need Advise

    Ok, usually I can find info/answer I'm looking for by doing a search, but in this case, I need some advise from reloaders. I've recently purchased a new barrel, bolt, & mag for Sig Arms SHR 970 in 280 rem.(thanks to all who referenced CDNN, great prices!). When I got the rifle, it was...
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    'Til Next Season

    Deer season ended in Alabama on Jan 31. Fishing started for me on Feb 1.:D
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    What rifle were you issued in basic training?

    94 IOBC at Ft Benning: M16A2, but pretty much shot every small arms the Army has. Also got to play with a lot of demo stuff:D . My fav was the M4. Great rifle, but I liked it because it was a lot easier to carry. The 4 yrs that I was in the Army, we didn't have enough men in the unit, so I...
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    My buck

    Congrats!!! Man, what a feeling!! Finally getting that deer you've been hunting for a while is one of the greatest thrills of hunting. I've been hunting a deer for about 2 yrs now and he's never given me a chance to get a shot. He's tricky one & a spawn from hell:evil:
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    Springfield Armory Scopes

    Greeting everyone, Just need some opinions on a scope I'm looking at. It's a Springfield Armory Professional 4-14 x 56 mm AO Scope (Gen 2). Brand new in box for $469.99 I'll mount on a Sig Arms SHR 970 in .300 Win Mag. I've looked up some material on this scope and a little confused by...
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    Hunters vs. animal-rights types - again...

    I live in Alabama and we had a similar situation in a state park in Birmingham. Most of the people understood the problem of overpopluation of deer and the destruction to the park it was causing. BUT, again the animal rights folks raised a fuss. The alterantive they were proposing were too...
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    Climbing stand

    Roadkill, 2/9 was aligned with 7th ID when I joined the unit in '94. They moved from Ft. Ord to Ft Lewis in the early '90's and became an expertimetal unit for the motorized light infantry concept. By the time I got to Ft Lewis in '94, we were doing a rotation in Isreal & Cuba. After the...
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    Anybody else go hunting New Years day?

    Went and killed a doe. I just need a couple more to fill the freezer for the year. :D The rut is really starting to move the deer in central Alabama. Next couple of weeks will probably produce some nice bucks. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to take a nice one this year. Last year, I only...
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    hunting rifle survey

    Last 3 hunting seasons(deer): Sig Arms SHR 970 in .300 Win Mag / Hornady Custom 150 gr SPBT Interlock (great round for deer) Back up in truck: Marlin 94 .30-.30 I still have a .410 pump that I got for Christmas when I was 7 yrs old. Don't use it much now; saving it for my future childern...
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    Climbing stand

    Just keep using the treestand. If you need to, make some changes to the climber to fit you're needs. I've had to modify almost all of my climbers that I've bought over the years to "feel" comfortable in them. In most cases, the mod. were simple: changing seats, removing non-structural parts...
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    We'll eat Venison a little longer.

    One of my favorite ways to prepare tenderloin is to cut it about 1" thick & marinate for 1 day. Take the sliced tenderloin, wrap some bacon around it, & grill to your liking. Taste better than a filet IMO.
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    Sig Arms Rifle Question

    Hello everyone, New to the forum, but loving some of the threads/info on this board. Question about a rifle I currently own. I have a Sig Arms SHR 970 in 300 Win Mag. I bought the rifle a couple of years ago from a good friend for $250. I was skeptical as to the price, but the guy my...