Recent content by Audrey

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    Get this, !?

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    lease not allowing firearms in apartments?

    "Shall not be infringed" Everything infringing is "statute" and/or contract law and subordinate. All who "believe" otherwise have been duped. Get it together people.
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    Feel free to use the Search feature in the future. Plenty of information.
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    "Everyone should have a -"

    ... well-honed brain to realize when you're being duped, and a pair to do something about it.
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    Can someone tell me about the new US AG (AWB Discussion Here!)

    "I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." The attorney general will infringe on one of our inalienable rights to achieve a "positive impact in Mexico?" What???? :banghead:
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    Action Needed!! Stimulus Bill Threatens Gun Ownership

    Time to write your "representatives" and let them know you DO NOT support this, and if they are unable to fulfill their role as your representative you will find someone who is.
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    HR1 Could Ban Guns for Millions of Americans

    From the GOA site, February 11, 2009: "Of particular concern to gun owners are sections 13101 through 13434 of HR 1, which would set up the infrastructure to computerize the medical records of ALL AMERICANS in a government-coordinated database.... "But...
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    Trade a gun for a rose in SC on Valentine's Day

    Stupid is as stupid does. And it aint limited to South Carolina.
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    NRA Life Membership $300 Just in case any new lifetime members haven't seen one of "their" board members.
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    If you were an LEO?

    I would carry this and educate as many fellow LEOs as possible: John Locke's Second Treatise of Government, published anonymously in 1690. An exerpt from the second chapter, "Of the State of Nature," describing man's "state of nature" before "governments" are formed: "....a state of...
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    Home Visit By the ATF

    When was the last time anyone went to jail for the automobile registration being out of order? Wake up and use a little common sense.
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    HR45 Passed through stimulus?

    Here is the bill: Original Bill: Division A of conference committee changes: Division B of conference committee changes: Divisions...
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    Home Visit By the ATF

    If a branch of the Federal government wants to communicate with you they can do it in writing via your attorney.
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    Border Patrol checkpoints in Washington State

    Borders remain wide open for certain folk while actual Americans are being terrorized and conditioned to accept more tyranny. At some point someone might actually resist.