Recent content by Balog

  1. B

    M&p 340

    FFL is apparently closed on Saturdays for the summer. :( I really need to find a new place, I can't make it to this place during the week as it's an hour away from my job and closes an hour after I get off work, and this is the second time he's been closed for random reasons on the Saturday I...
  2. B

    M&p 340

    My 340 is at my FFL of choice, and first thing tomorrow I can finally pick it up! I'm so excited to finally have something to put in that Mika I bought, and to be able to try out the three different grips I bought on an actual gun. :)
  3. B

    S&W police trade ins at J&G. Good Buy?

    My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong here) is that there is no official definition for +P+. Considering normal .38 is significantly lower pressure than the original loadings were...
  4. B

    S&W police trade ins at J&G. Good Buy?

    Brian Williams: fair enough, but I'm curious why that is. Is the 64's frame significantly different from the 65?
  5. B

    M&p 340

    Jarhead: I ordered a Mika pocket (black material black stitching) and got the "Your holster has been shipped" message inside of 20 minutes. Took maybe a week to get here in the mail?
  6. B

    S&W police trade ins at J&G. Good Buy?

    I bought a 4" 64 for my wife from J&G right after I got back from Iraq, and we've been very satisfied with the purchase. On a side note, would it be possible/safe to have a gunsmith install a .357 cylinder into a 64?
  7. B

    M&p 340

    Interesting. Ordered a set of Hogue Bantams and Monogrips. 340's are round butt, right? I'm trying to decide between the two versions of Pachmayr Compacs: the regular and the "Pro" version. Any thoughts on the difference between the two?
  8. B

    M&p 340

    I'm seriously considering taking the money out of savings to snatch that up before they go out of stock, and just back filling the account when the payment for the gun I sold arrives. Terrible accounting practice I know, but I'll kick myself if I miss that deal. Stupid self control, it's no fun...
  9. B

    M&p 340

    Well, you've finally talked me into it. And by "you" I mean my back. :D Just sold the .45 and I'll be picking up an M&P 340 as soon as I find one for a good price. Although my cheap nature wants to buy used whenever possible, I may need to succumb and go retail as I'll have no carry gun once the...
  10. B

    AK question...

    I'd get a 5.45x39 Saiga and convert it myself. Well, actually I'd move, but I hear people who live in states with bad gun laws get offended when told that.
  11. B

    Piston rifles

    Piston operated rifles are just by their nature cleaner and cooler than DI. However, AR's are not designed for piston op and trying to shoehorn that system into the frame can lead to issues. In my mind, one should take the AR for what it is rather than introduce a whole new and different set of...
  12. B

    Having hard time deciding between AR15 and PTR91

    I dislike AR's, but for your goals it is definitely the superior choice. Ease of scoping, cheap ammo are solely AR things. AR's are easy to break down, although I find them a pain to clean. Of course, that experience is getting them Marine Corps clean so I don't know how that'd apply to your...
  13. B

    Ak47 / ak74 which ak to buy?

    I'm a bit puzzled here. The OP states he already has a converted Saiga. So what is he looking for out of this rifle? Was the conversion done poorly and he wants a replacement for it? Is it unsatisfactory in some way and he wants a different AK to rectify a shortfall?
  14. B

    Dumb, Dumb and...............dumber.

    I don't know how much morgue examination Mr Cirillo did. But saying "X round was effective" is not the same as saying "X round is better than Y." And given that most modern designs were not available for comparison at the time, one can't say for certain what Mr Cirillo would choose today.
  15. B

    Dumb, Dumb and...............dumber.

    The basic argument that "Person X was great and chose gun/bullet Y, therefore Y is teh bestest thing evar" is a logical fallacy. It's called arguing from authority, try looking it up sometime. Look, let's take pistols as an example. You could say "Well SEALs use Sigs (or whatever they use...