Recent content by bbaerst

  1. B

    What's that statistic about gun owners being less likely to commit a crime?

    I remember reading on heres somewhere that the gun-owning population was something like 20% less likely to be involved in a crime...can anybody provide a source? I'd like to use it in an argument.
  2. B

    Some firearms pics from a past trip to Europe

    Nice photos...I've been to the Military Museum in Paris as well (I specifically remembered that FAMAS at the very end of the display case), and that place sure is really, really interesting. Anybody else think that British soldier looks sort of goofy with a bullpup rifle? He should get an...
  3. B

    what kind of knife is this

    Looks like a Spyderco.
  4. B

    Gun owner gang signs.

    Great, but hip-hop sprung out of black America, it is most widely embraced by blacks more than any other racial group, and furthermore I never said or intended to imply that hip-hop was exclusive to blacks. I said "maybe you should hang out with more black people or something, I dunno"...notice...
  5. B

    Gun owner gang signs.

    Uh, no. That's a really, really, narrow and offensive view of a culture. The problem is that you equate "hip hop culture" with violence and criminal activity. Maybe you should hang out with some black people or something, I don't know, but come on. Do you realize what you're saying? You come...
  6. B

    Gun owner gang signs.

    Well, first, before you call me "stupid" remember that everything I said was aimed at the person in the story, so don't jump to personal attacks just yet. ...and to think I believed the liberal judgment that CCW holders were paranoid to be baseless. There's a fine line between ignoring...
  7. B

    Gun owner gang signs.

    You're missing the point. It sounds to me, from the original post, that whoever this story originated from saw some gentlemen "with a less than promising background" and used that stereotype to send a hostile gesture, regardless of the fact that there was no reason to jump to that. The thing is...
  8. B

    Gun owner gang signs.

    Sounds like you just want to say "black."
  9. B

    Violent assault on video

    A damn shame nobody stood up for the victim there. Jesus christ... Is the presentation of lethal force authorized in such a situation, even if you yourself are in no immediate danger?
  10. B

    "I was trying to blow his brains out is what I was trying to do"

    If that account of the crime up there is accurate, I can't really sympathize with the store owners. Shooting in self-defense is one thing; killing a criminal once the apparent threat has subsided is another. I'm not going to pass complete judgment yet, but I'm not gonna jump to congratulate...
  11. B

    AR15 - why so expensive?

    Has it been proven in the field? Maybe not. Do I want one? Hell yes.
  12. B

    Clint: "Michael Moore & I actually have a lot in common..."

    How ironic the fact that you all treasure the second amendment in order to preserve personal liberty, expression, and life; but not of a person you disagree with. The line has been crossed, comments like this do a disservice to gun rights supporters by merely perpetuating the stereotype that...
  13. B

    Redneck chic?

    You guys must not be from the North because redneck is *never* used as a compliment. Rednecks carry connotations of being stupid, inbred, drunk, and intolerant.
  14. B

    Off to Iraq tonight!

    Stay safe and shoot straight; best of luck. Be sure to check your boots for some crazy bugs before you stick your feet in, and check out the culture while you're there.
  15. B

    Assault weapon watchdog group

    That is absolutely hilarious. :)