Recent content by Benjamin

  1. B

    Boston Legal episode tonight

    Many people have pistols in MA. In my experience, if you flash a BBO (board of Bar overseers) ID at the entrance, you are exempt from metal detecting/search. There was one very, very stupid attorney in MA who used to brag about bringing a concealed handgun into court. To the best of my...
  2. B

    Joining the armed forces.

    I'm technically not AD until early on Tuesday, when I swear in again. The link should display a pay scale that looks like the official DoD 2005 pay scale. I didn't compare side by side. Per my read, an E-1 gets slightly less than that for the first few months, then bump up...
  3. B

    Joining the armed forces.,13964,49020,00.html
  4. B

    Joining the armed forces.

    Hello. I ship to Lackland AFB on Tuesday. Spent a great deal of time with US Army prior to that. I am 23 years old, and do not stand to benefit if you join the armed forces. From my experience, pay close attention to recruiters. Most are good people in a tough job, a few are not...
  5. B


    Welcome to MA. I hope that you enjoy your time here. To the point: read the laws. I recall, somewhat dimly, an exemption for possession by martial arts practitioners. Possession, specifically; not carry. In my experience: most MA practitioners will not encounter any hassle from police...
  6. B

    OEF_VET comes for a visit.

    A very nice shot. If I read his vest properly, primary reloads are shell loops on right floating ribs. Strong hand feeds them into the magazine tube? I see hat OEF VET has posted a reply. I take it, then, that his visit was expected. Best regards all. -Ben
  7. B

    9mm ammo: Anybody online cheaper than Natchez?

    Brown Bear US $90/case
  8. B

    Need advise on letter for Non-Resident CCW

    Between February and December of 2004, I spent a great deal of time preparing LTC applications. Did several dozen, with good success rate. Spent about ten hours getting all my info together for RI application. I live seven miles from border, work part time for a FFL, threatened by clients...
  9. B

    MA LTC renewal: "All Lawful Purposes"

    Final suggestion - if you do decide to write something explaining why you want the ALP LTC A, call the station's non-emergency phone number during normal hours. Inquire politely who the licensing officer is. Get the proper spelling of his/her name. Keep the letter to the point. If you...
  10. B

    MA LTC renewal: "All Lawful Purposes"

    Some towns will issue an ALP if thats what you apply for. That's how I got mine @ 21 years of age. No explanation required on Non res LTC application if I recall correctly. Good luck.
  11. B

    Weapons on Submarines?

    '_ _ _ _ YOU, GOD! Nothing gets through HY-80!!' -Blind Man's Bluff Edit - remembered the book.
  12. B

    I'm a newbie to guns, with some questions.

    Hi. I'm left handed. I'm an NRA instructor for Rifle and Pistol. Short version - you will be able to shoot most firearms w/o any particular problems. Reloading takes an extra half second or so most of the time.
  13. B

    MA LTC renewal: "All Lawful Purposes"

    There are a few attorneys who do application preparation for just this situation. I don't recommend their services. I worked as a legal assistant for one, and spent the better part of ten months writing LTC packages. The idea is to write up a convincing short essay emphasizing your...
  14. B

    Rhode Island and mass. ccw anyone here have one?

    You will NOT get a RI permit. The Bureau of Criminal Investigation is dead set against issuing carry permits.
  15. B

    DC circuit goes "quack"

    I doubt very much that, were this to occur, it would have the desired effect. The Supreme Court has tremendous discretion, and is not subordinate to the DoJ.