Recent content by carebear

  1. C

    Admitting Defeat RE: Evil Cal Gun Law Thread

    It's not an excuse, but I know I have to remember that while gun issues are old hat to me, that for the person actively seeking knowledge it's all new. It's too easy to get frustrated at hearing the same old arguments for gun control, often presented as if they are somehow novel because they...
  2. C

    After McDonald v. Chicago: No more Concealed Carry?

    dvc, True, but once we have a "fundamental right" via Mcdonald then equal protection clearly kicks in. If we can show disproportionate impact, however unintentional, we have an unConstitutional restriction. If such can require we add women's field hockey in colleges until athlete...
  3. C

    Castle Doctrine in California

    Zoog, Fair enough. Though I wasn't trying to "give legal advice" to the OP, I had digressed to merely discussing the law in and of itself.
  4. C

    Castle Doctrine in California

    Thus adding a second reason to be careful about who is let into your home. The first reason being, of course, vampires. :evil: Would a five year old child have the authority to actually authorize entry in the legal sense? They aren't of the age of majority, cannot contract and a pile of...
  5. C

    Shooting on private school property.

    They wouldn't be "operating a range" under any real definition of the term, just shooting. Shooting on your own land or allowing an odd guest to do so, all other things being legal and the superintendent having the authority to authorize as part of his duties, isn't anything the insurance...
  6. C

    The right to arm bears

    Arming bears? What about the cubs, Armed? Won't someone think about the cubs?!?! :D
  7. C

    The new supreme on 2nd amendment

    What fundamental right is at stake in DADT repeal that makes it meaningful to a 2nd Amendment discussion? There's no real parallel to gun rights, a lot of pro-gun absolutists (libertarians) don't support DADT, it's just a policy. Besides, DADT has been and will continue to be given...
  8. C

    The right to arm bears

    Zoog, Conversely, bears pretty quickly learn to avoid people once they get it in their heads that humans are dangerous. The problem in parks will be these first generations of bears who have lost their learned and maternally-passed fear of man. I don't think the population will be impacted...
  9. C

    Castle Doctrine in California

    I haven't looked at the case law but, given the context and actual wording of the statute (defending self, family or member of household), someone who doesn't actually regularly live in your home is probably not a "member of the family or household" for the purposes of statute, regardless of...
  10. C

    The new supreme on 2nd amendment

    Geez calavera, glass half-empty much? The quote was “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation. "carry in case of confrontation" isn't some obscure term of art. Anyway, the more important tidbit is actually above that. "The Court granted this right...
  11. C

    After McDonald v. Chicago: No more Concealed Carry?

    As noted, Calguns has a pretty good lawsuit pending that attacks California's "may issue" system on equal protection grounds. The parallel is to voting restrictions that are not inherently discriminatory (like a poll tax) but have documentable disparate impact on access to the exercise of a...
  12. C

    Trip this summer -- gun questions

    On a side note: You might consider a locking gun case that can be secured to the in-room safe mount or other fixed object as opposed to in the safe itself. Those aren't really "secure" as there a lot of employees who can get/provide access while you're out.
  13. C

    McDonald V Chicago decision

    cbr, I'm reading it as; "if they are dangerous enough to be prohibited persons, they shouldn't be out of prison yet." If you are incarcerated until you are determined not to be a danger, we don't need NICS checks or to worry about your domestic violence status. If you breathe free air...
  14. C

    Clip Information MT

    If the magazine springs are new they sometimes take a bit of use to break in. Something to do in front of the TV, just load and unload them. If the rounds are sticking that could be an out of spec mag or it might be dirty/gummed up or just rough inside. The loading/unloading cycle might...
  15. C


    You are in Federal compliance right now, no worries. The only laws you need to worry about are those of your state (maybe local depending on your state) and few of those care about pump shotguns with basically stock parts. They just aren't "evil looking" enough. :rolleyes: