Cave Dweller


Outdoorsy stuff. Hiking, camping. Shooting
A violent little village in Southern California
What I do for the RKBA and other civil liberties
I talk to friends, family and co workers. I distribute educational material as able.
Baker Three One


I will take ANY r.k.b.a. ally, no mater how much I disagree with their politics. Case in point, I am what you would call a "Homophobe". But on this board and in relation to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, These people are my dearest friends! Be civil, and remember, we have unexpected friends.
"I buy in bulk because it is cheaper and easier. Do you think the media would find it strange that I have over 100 rolls of TP in my house." -axeman_g
"Ahhhh... common sense. Intellect requiring no prior education. I miss that." -Thernlund