Recent content by chenzzo

  1. C

    Have You Ever Caught Some One Printing?

    My wife and I were eating lunch out one day and we see a bunch of guys come in, with a couple of them wearing gun shirts or shirts advertising the gun store they apparently worked at. It was a gun show weekend and it looked like the whole group was packing. I saw two guns lumps for sure, one...
  2. C

    Very intresting test, is that a gun or a cell phone?

    Game Over Your Score: 630 Average reaction time: Black Armed:531.88ms Black Unarmed:614.6ms White Armed:565.64ms White Unarmed:563.36ms
  3. C

    Need advice on carry pistol for my wife

    my wife also carries a Bersa .380. She likes it and has no problems shooting it.
  4. C

    S&W 5906 issue

    yeah, it's been a while since last I shot it, but I'm positive it wasn't acting like that in single action before. It didn't seem to affect anything, as I ran 100 rounds through it, it just seemed off to me. Time to see if I can find a decent gunsmith in town.
  5. C

    S&W 5906 issue

    Hey all, I was recently at the range shooting my 5906 and on the first mag ( and each subsequent one) through the gun it seemed to me that I had a LOT of trigger pull that I don’t remember from the last time I was at the range. It was to the point that I checked to make sure I didn’t have the...
  6. C

    Why the shotgun shell in gun trigger guard?

    Thanks. I figured it out eventually, by clicking the pic and going to look at the rest of the photo album
  7. C

    Why the shotgun shell in gun trigger guard?

    Okay Jetman, or anyone else who knows, what is the make and model of that revolver? It looks just like one I saw in a movie that I've been trying to identify for years.
  8. C

    Did anybody watch "No Country For Old Men?"

    actually (spoiler territory) he killed him for giving an additional locator to the Mexicans instead of just letting him do his job.
  9. C

    Did anybody watch "No Country For Old Men?"

    I agree, but I didn't want to take away from the merit of No Country by digressing into a discussion of Pulp Fiction.
  10. C

    Did anybody watch "No Country For Old Men?"

    This was a great flick. I saw it last night with a good friend and fellow gun guy. This as gotta be about the manliest movie I've seen in a long time, and I don't mean full of exposions and horny guys trying to get with every girl they see, but a movie about people doing what they feel they...
  11. C

    Conceal Carry Preferences

    1. every time 2. IWB in the summer, OWB sometimes in winter if I can wear a coat 3. semi-auto 4. SW 5906 9mm
  12. C

    Smith and Wesson pistols?

    I carry a SW 5906 almost every day. I love mine. I've never had a FTF or any kind of problem of any kind with it. My favorite thing about it is the look though. It's just a fine looking weapon and comes standard with all the doohickie gimmickry that commonly gets added aftermarket...
  13. C

    you don't need a gun in church ...

    regarding the whole "turn the other cheek" issue: My Dad has always preached that, but when I was growing up he told me and my brother, "The first time, you turn the other cheek, after that, you're all out of cheeks."
  14. C

    you don't need a gun in church ...

    I've carried in church many times, but having the Pastor as your father certainly doesn't hurt. Having a wife (Sunday school teacher) and Mother (piano player and nursery worker) that are also toting at church certainly helps the matter as well.