Recent content by ClayInTX

  1. C

    Who knows the history of the 50 bmg cartridge?

    Some things are just intuitively correct. Even if the wheel had never been invented those on the first car would probably have been round. .
  2. C

    The better half wants a pink revolver. Help?

    I was not aware that pink was hard to find. I've seen just about every make and model of the smaller sizes in pink.
  3. C

    Do You Think I Handled This Correctly?

    I don’t have, never had, Facebook. I get pictures and news of family and friends all the time by plain email. You don’t need Facebook for conversation. Using Facebook is like having a radio station tapped into your telephone line, or sending mail by using Letters to the Editor.
  4. C

    The CCW Badge and Sash, Good idea?

    The sash would go good with some paisley pattrened leotards and high topped Russian boots.
  5. C

    learning experiences on 1st day ccw

    Some time ago I started carrying my DL, CHL, and insurance card which has my SSN on it in my shirt pocket in a very small folder. I also have a list of the credit card 800 numbers there. Wearing two-pocket western shirts is a big help; glasses one side and licenses the other. My wallet is...
  6. C

    Do men and women feel the same way about guns

    A few years ago in Scientific American there was an article on the differences between men and women, other than the obvious. It was written by a women; a professor at some college. Her stance on it? For women in general: Women are nesters and depend on men for provision and...
  7. C

    Who was this guy?

    It saddens me that none of y’all believed me. That’ll be the last time I tell you anything.
  8. C

    Hypothetical - You find authentic Bill of Rights documents

    Wealth? You can eat only so much. Our Founding Fathers proved their selves to be greater than ordinary men and they risked their lives and all they owned and all they held dear to obtain freedom for not only them but also for a nation. We know whom they were and we venerate them, they are...
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    In handguns I would pick the forty-five. Every handgun cartridge is sooner or later compared to the forty-five. Rifles? You can’t go wrong with an ought six.
  10. C

    Is this OK or am I flirting with trouble...

    If you have no concerns about it you would not have asked the question here.
  11. C

    Why noone invades switzerland

    A neutral country serves a need for belligerents. However, who’s going to try to invade a country where there’s a rifle behind every bar of chocolate. The Swiss guard the Pope because the first Pope who hired them was colorblind and thought they were wearing camouflage. Well, in Rome perhaps...
  12. C

    Gun Show Report

    What constitutes “armor”? A .22 will pierce light gauge sheet metal.
  13. C

    Anti spoils the fun

    Some of my best friends are members of the human race.
  14. C

    If only every state could be like IL (news article link)

    Officer’s Wife, You just gave me a great idea for a bumper sticker, to paraphrase your comment: There’s a sucker educated every minute.