Recent content by csmkersh

  1. C

    The FBI and Their Flawed NICS Database

    Here is a prime reason NOT to expand the NICS. The FBI refuses to clear a non-event from their data base and uses that non-event to deny a vet the right to purchase a...
  2. C

    Please call your senators today re: nuclear option

    From Steve Wenger's news letter: From GOA: It’s probably a harbinger of sell-outs to come. But Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell is apparently about to conclude an agreement with Majority Leader Harry Reid which would sell out pro-gunners and decimate minority rights under the Senate...
  3. C

    Wish we could get this guy on prime time TV

    There Are Crime Statistics and there Are Crime Statistics The anti-gun crowd is great about cherry picking or, like the Brady Bunch, inventing phony statistics. This young man's video takes you through some interesting crime data but overlooked by the anti-gunners in there zeal to paint guns...
  4. C

    Biggest gun rights story of 2010 based in Bellevue, ignored by local press - Workman

    About all we can expect from the MSM is to spout the mis-information re:Guns to Mexico...
  5. C

    CCW in Arkansas.

    Cross the Red River and enjoy the freedoms of Texas. No, we're not perfect, but to were we can carry, much better than Arkansas.
  6. C

    S&W 36-2 and the NYPD?

    NYPD did order a number of M36s with bobbed hammers and DA only. I seem to recall that some may have been 3 inchers as well. Gun Parts (Numrich) had the hammers catalogged at one time. Catalog No 21, if anyone has one.
  7. C

    Apology accepted................

    Some worry that, either way, there'll be riots election night and the following days. Only worse if he loses.
  8. C

    Drag Bags

    Anyone know of a company that makes a drag bag for a 54" long rifle? I find 52s and 62s, but not that.
  9. C

    My thoughts on OC Spray

    What I don't like about CS is that it can settle in your clothes and be an aggrivation for several hours. And if your armpits or crotch is damp, a big aggrivation. I've had less problems regaining my eyesight with CS and with OC/capsaicin sprays.
  10. C

    What is the shelf life of ammunition?

    planetmobius is correct. It depends on how its stored. I've shot .45ACP that the Army had in storage for 20 plus years and no problems. I've also shot .45ACP that was half that age but store in hot bunkers and you could see the bullet headed down range and plow up the dirt 10 yards short of...
  11. C

    Round count vs skill

    mercop is correct. You may only have time for your "warm-up shots" before the gunfight is over. Learn point and combat sighted fire* and practice your draw... *Front sight, not the studied bullseye method unless you're at 50 yards, then the question is, "Why are you still standing there if...
  12. C

    Bringing Non-Firearm Weapons into a Privately Owned Place That Says "No Weapons"?

    You need to talk to either the Utah State Police if they are the licensing authority, your lawyer or someone very familiar with civil statutes regarding weapons.
  13. C

    Intentionally DON'T ccw.

    No, not for my temper. I've found that I'm far less likely to be confrontational when I'm carrying. I do deliberately NOT CARRY when I know I'm going to be drinking alcohol. Not because alcohol causes you do do stupid things; it lowers your inhibitions and allows you to do something you...
  14. C

    Sticky: Vote For Your Favorite FireArms Forum

    One forum not in the list that ya'll might be interested in is a new forum called The Gunner's Lair. Right now it's not all that busy, but the rules of conduct applies to all, especially the mods and Staff. No, that's not a shot at THR's mods, but I'm sure you've all seen one or two boards...
  15. C

    Positive LEO Experience (Traffic Stop)

    Considering the anti-gun Chiefs Austin PD has had in the past, that was a very good experience.