Recent content by DataMonkey

  1. D

    Youth rifles - suggestions?

    Thanks. I'm going to look at the Savage Rascal.
  2. D

    Youth rifles - suggestions?

    Alright folks, here's my dilemma, perhaps you can help. I've got boy girl twins turning the perfect age for their first rifle. I'm looking at .22lr(theoretically a plentiful round). He wants green or blue and she wants pink or purple. Does anyone know of a manufacturer still producing a...
  3. D

    Plano TX FFL

    DogtownTom is awesome. I've used him many transactions.
  4. D

    Shooting Into Rubber Mulch: A few Questions

    ActionTarget is a great place to start. Also, you can call 3M. I called a while back and spoke to an engineer. They have 2 adhesives which are suitable. One has fire retardant properties. I forget the exact products, but they are very helpful.
  5. D

    Colorado Gun Control - Standard Capacity Magazines, Private Sales proposed bans

    Get organized As was just stated, you must get united. Even better, get organized. Once organized, you are powerful - politicians hate it and they have to listen. I went to the God, Guns & the Constitution meeting held in Dallas this past Saturday and there was good advice. The key to...
  6. D

    Bulk Target Ammo...where do you buy?

    Another good site:
  7. D

    Winchester serial number look up

    I'm plan to take photos this week. I will keep you posted. Note: my wife was laughing at me because I kept wanting to discuss the revolver long after the conversation moved on. Thanks!
  8. D

    Winchester serial number look up

    Hi all- I was over at a neighbor's house today and he wanted to show me a few old firearms - very cool stuff I'd never seen before. Anyway, one of them was an old Winchester .30 cal revolver. Does anyone know of a resource to look up the serial number for that? I found the sites for...
  9. D

    Recommended reading: looking for books on 1968 GCA

    Great stuff. By "books" I simply mean reading material. Midwest, I will definitely check some of those out. Perhaps you should consider writing a book. Thanks, everyone!
  10. D

    Recommended reading: looking for books on 1968 GCA

    Happy New Year! I'm looking for reading recommendations on the GCA. I wasn't alive at the time so I'm looking for a bit political history and how/who affected the changes How did we get to where we're at today? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  11. D

    Move to where you're free or "stay and fight?"

    How about the corollary to this? I have personally not entertained interviews with firms in NYC and CT because I would have to liquidate certain firearms. Those areas cater to the industry I'm in - finance. I'll stay here in TX and help fight for open carry.
  12. D

    Help identifying a handgun

    Happy New Year! I am trying to identify the handgun in the attached picture. Sorry for such a poor pic, but it is all my buddy was able to provide me. Note: Yes, I know the finger is on the trigger - poor discipline. I've already talked to him about that. Any help is greatly...
  13. D

    Dead Six, THR's Mr. Nightcrawler book, ORDER NOW

    Great book! Just finished it. Warning: the Baen book could use more editing for removal of typographical errors. Errors seem to be more frequent towards the end of the book (just a warning for hyper sensitive people like myself).
  14. D

    Suggestions for gun-related 8th grade science project neeeded

    Stick to a gun related project if that's what the kid wants. But read the requirements. Most science projects require you to develop a hypothesis and test for that hypothesis. You then have to draw a conclusion from your test(s). You also need a control group. Idea: If you can find...
  15. D

    Got a gash above my eyebrow from my scope...what to tell co-workers?

    No stitches? Heck, it just kissed you. Welcome to the club. Note: after about 25 years you can hardly see the scar.