Recent content by element19_98

  1. E

    Rough info or appresal of a H and R topbreak

    thank you, great information you described the gun to a tee i know h and r isnt highly valued but i was curious to the value given its pristine state and its old age,but i will keep just for memories sake, again ill follow up in the sub-forum im curious to know more about this auto ejector...
  2. E

    Rough info or appresal of a H and R topbreak

    I recently aquired a few guns from my grandfather since he's getting up in age and knows that ive been an enthusiast for years, although my the oldest gun im my collection is a 1978 model 7 smith and wesson. Im straying off topic here, anyway the particular gun im intrested in finding out about...
  3. E

    Felons and gun ownership

    yes i do I recently was pulled over for failure to use my turn signal,the cop asked if he could have consent to search my car it was 7:00 am and i was on the way to get coffee and go to work.I keep my prescription medicine in my center console to take each morning on the way to work three days...
  4. E

    Latest knife, Recurve w/ Stag

    :what: that is simply beautiful! congrats on the skill of your craftsmanship in creating that piece of art.
  5. E

    Which bolt-action .308?

    The Howa 1500 series is worth taking a look at my buddy has one and the action on it is pretty darn nice.
  6. E

    msnbc documentary titled " locked and loaded:kids and guns"

    thanks for the link:) and im glad i missed the rest of the show.:barf:
  7. E

    msnbc documentary titled " locked and loaded:kids and guns"

    im watching this show on msnbc this morning i have to go to work in a minute but so far its a show from a british perspective on american gun culture. its centralized around children at first it showed responsible parents and saftey courses, but it quickly spirialed into a kids with ak-47's...
  8. E

    Family Portraits

    awesome collections everyone! what i think after looking at your vast collection iamkris is what do u do for a living or have you just been collecting for along time? i have 17 firearms all bought new,no curio and relics, mostly handguns, im 28 and all my friends think im way overboard,but thats...
  9. E

    Bushmaster AR-15

    I semi-retract my earlier post,if its a genuine aimpoint and a decent mount its well worth the asking price,last ar-15 i bought was a doube star from bud's it was october of 08 , new gun with a price of $750-785 out the door. I guess im just still in denial of the horrific new price hike.hope...
  10. E

    Bushmaster AR-15

    I agree with maskedman,spraypainting a nice rifle just seems odd to me,i know people can do nice patterns and all but it reminds me of when i was a kid after watching a rambo movie or something.I could see it if your an avid hunter and theres a good reason,to each his own i just range shoot i...
  11. E

    From your LEO experience when pulled over

    I honestly have never heard a story of a cop helping anyone i know,everytime i hear about there involvment it just ends up cosing people money. I could definitely see one marrying somone in the treasury dept.
  12. E

    the current rational amazes me

    i totally agree with you gamera,thats the problem i see alot with people they dont tend to think or research for themselves,i try to stay objective and will be the first to admit if im not fammiliar with a subject or topic,but it seems most people just regurgitate rumor and propaganda they hear...
  13. E

    the current rational amazes me

    your right i didnt see it was that sort of site,and i was reading that abc news article with holder and the proposed awb in reagrds to mexicos increasing viloence,so i then googles holder and awb and stumbled upon it still kinda strage how they think you can roll into any gun shop and just...
  14. E

    the current rational amazes me

    I was just reading about Eric holder and some new 2nd ammendment issues and stumbled on this newsgroup website,its really amazing how some people reason anyway i thought you members might want to get an ear for the current middle mind thinking on these issues offered up from this website check...
  15. E

    Let's see your "P" series Rugers!

    where did u get those maagazines with the plastic followers gb?