Recent content by floorit76

  1. F

    Looking for short story about a grandpa hiding guns.

    Very depressing, rings a little too true.
  2. F

    Looking for short story about a grandpa hiding guns.

    That's it. Thanks very much. I have some folks who need to read this..
  3. F

    Looking for short story about a grandpa hiding guns.

    I read a short story somewhere once, probably here, about an old man that had hidden a stash of guns. It's set in the future, and some sort of govt. agents are trying to find the stash. In the end he finally tells his grandson where they are, who then turns them in to the agents. I've spent a...
  4. F

    Is there anything else to clean brass with....

    Has anyone tried sand? Would it be too aggresive? I have "sugar sand" on my property that is as fine as, or finer than sandblasting media. When it thaws out this spring I think I'll try it out.
  5. F

    IL help needed, IGOLD is March 5th.

    Thanks. Please feel free to post this to any other relevant forums you belong to, we need more people!
  6. F

    IL help needed, IGOLD is March 5th.

    Heck if I know, I'm only there for Igold. You can also sit in on the assembly in session.
  7. F

    IL help needed, IGOLD is March 5th.

    For those that haven't been to Igold before, one of the cool things is that we get to use all the tunnels under the capital complex to get from building to building. Down in the tunnels there is a restaurant, barber shop, etc. Not something you get to see every day...
  8. F

    IL help needed, IGOLD is March 5th.

    IL gun owners lobby day (IGOLD) is nearly here. All IL residents please spread the word. Every year I have several people ask why they didn't hear about it before it was too late. Here is the ISRA IGOLD web page with all the info you need. All Illinois gun owners...
  9. F

    Is anyone going to the national NRA show in Indy?

    The product show is free for NRA members, but the speeches, banquets, and breakfast all cost out of pocket. The show is worth seeing, free or not. Pretty much every gun produced is there to fondle. Plus deals on things, like $25 Ruger BX25 mags at St Louis when they had just been released and...
  10. F

    Is anyone going to the national NRA show in Indy?

    A girl tried to take me in the Slippery noodle once. Long story. Didn't imagine it was still there. I was at St Louis too. Only missed Houston because my boss scheduled his vacation on top of mine.