Recent content by Frank5

  1. F

    US House election stats

    Dent R PA..... I live in his district. He was endorsed by the NRA. I understand he is very pro gun. ??? Am I wrong??
  2. F

    Should released felons have their 2nd Admendment rights restored?

    WOW..........I thought that I was one of a very few who felt the same way. Now I see that there are others. If a felon,after paying his debt,stays out of trouble,for a period of time (say 5 years) he should have his record expunged. This would not apply to all crimes but most...
  3. F

    Pennsylvania THR range report

    It was a good time. I liked it. We need to do this again. In the group photo, I'm front row,4th from the left.
  4. F

    CXM I have a question about a term you used in a post......

    Could you explain the term "castle state". I think I know what you mean but I'm not positive. I didn't want to hijack the thread about holding an intruder for police so I started this one.
  5. F

    Citizen arrest, detention, held at gunpoint?

    At that point I would reach for my cell phone. Call 911 get a description of car & driver & plate number if I could. If he fled the scene I would tell cops which way he went. I would be the best witness I could & let the cops handle the rest. NO WAY would I go for my gun in that...
  6. F

    Armed Robbery, Shoot?

    The azz backward legal system is the reason I feel the way I do. I would rather pull steel & confront the perp (& shoot if absoutely necessary) to protect an innocent person. What makes me unwilling to is the legal climate that exists in which a criminal can sue his victim or a good sam &...
  7. F

    If you had a chance to buy a gun company...

    Ruger Produce a P series in 10mm & 45ACP/super. I also like the idea of a M14/M1A clone. Perhaps a compact P series line of downsized pistols. With all the states that allow concealed carry,I think they would sell. And yes.........make the mini 14/30 more accurate.
  8. F

    Armed Robbery, Shoot?

    I have a personal responsibility to me & my wife which includes staying out of jail & not doing something that leads to financial ruin. Any harm that befalls the clerk is on the perp..........not me. Our elected officials allow a climate to exist in which a criminal can sue his victim...
  9. F

    Armed Robbery, Shoot?

    I'm with the "only shoot to protect myself crowd". It might be cold but it's how I feel. I would try to back off & put distance between me & crook. If I could do so I would get a hand on my piece OR get it out & hold it low & out of sight.......not pointing it at anyone,finger outside...
  10. F

    AWB: no difference between Bush and Kerry?

    I'm not a big fan of Bush but I'll vote for him. He's the lesser of 2 evils. Yes....I agree,anything less is a vote for Kerry. I think that Kerry would be Bill Clinton all over again or even worse. :( If a moderate/pro gun Democrat were running against Bush I would probably vote dem...
  11. F

    Best low-end 45acp?

    Spend a little more OR buy used. The only cheaper gun I'd consider is Bersa. My wife has a .380 Bersa & it's a decent gun for the money. If price is a big issue I would look for a used Ruger. I have a P 97 that I bought for 255.00$. It's on the big side but I carry it in a fanny...
  12. F

    looking for a .45 carry gun

    I have a Ruger P 97. It's bulky but it carries OK in a fanny pack. As far as size......the P 97 is about the same size as a Glock 21. The 21 seemed more accurate. I believe the Ruger to be better built & it's less expensive. For carry,I'd say the Glock 30 would be the better choice...
  13. F

    Dumb gun comments

    bear defense I was at a gun counter when a non gun type who was looking to get a handgun was looking at a .38 snub. He was asking about the process of getting a carry permit while examining the revolver. He said that he would feel safer with "a little something" when hiking. He then...
  14. F

    Emergency Vehicle Part II

    An ATV or motorcycle would be a consideration for someone living in a urban/high traffic area. Railroad tracks & old right of ways would also be something to consider. A 4 WD ATV should have little problem crossing tracks. Some RR tunnels are wider than you would think. Some were...
  15. F

    Emergency Vehicle--SUV vs Hybrid Sedan?

    I think I would go with diesel power. I would be able to use heating oil and/or kerosene....& would be able to scavange fuel from abandoned/unsecured big rigs,buses, heavy equipment & locomotives. There are lots of sources of diesel fuel/heating oil/kerosene. In a pinch you could use jet...