Recent content by jmbg29

  1. J

    Amnesty International : U. S. "terrifyngly repressive nation"

    U-546 Type IXC/40 Laid down 6 Aug, 1942 Deutsche Werft AG, Hamburg Commissioned 2 Jun, 1943 Oblt. Paul Just Commanders 2 Jun, 1943 - 24 Apr, 1945 Kptlt. Paul Just[/B Career 3 patrols 2 Jun, 1943 - 31 Dec, 1943 4. Flottille (training) 1 Jan, 1944 - 9 Nov, 1944 10. Flottille...
  2. J

    i need some help in a debate...

    To tell you the truth, I usually avoid reading things written by people that don't capitalize the pronoun "I". It makes my head hurt.
  3. J

    Cop shooter feared for his life, court told

    The only person in the entirety of our universe that would know the answer to that is dead. Try and get back to me would you? Filtered out for your perusal. The :cuss: :cuss: and the :banghead: :banghead: , and the :fire: :fire: stem from the...
  4. J

    Amnesty International : U. S. "terrifyngly repressive nation"

    Oh, and bring your little blue helmets.
  5. J

    Cop shooter feared for his life, court told

    You pigeon-holed yourself by making the assumption that the cop went after the thugs because they fit a certain ethnic profile. You completely dismissed an almost endless litany of quoted, highlighted, parenthesied, italaicized, underlined, and print made bold, examples of clues within the...
  6. J

    Cop shooter feared for his life, court told

    I can't recall upon whose brow I placed the laurels for "Champion of the Non Sequitur Olympics" over at TFL, but I now bestow them upon you. Congratulations, and well played, sir! :p ;) :D
  7. J

    U.K. "COPS' TERROR AS GANGSTERS GET DEADLY 'IQ' BULLETS" (cop killer ad aburdum)

    <crackle>Earth to Captain James Tiberius Kirk...Earth to Captain James Tiberius Kirk...come in Captain! New life form for you to seek out has been discovered...Do you copy? Over!</crackle> Beam me up Scotty! :cuss: fruitcakes! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  8. J

    Howard Stern, Pro-gun???

    Bingo! "You'll say anything once your he...he...head hits the!" Stuttering John to Gary Busey "Head Injury Club for Men" skit. :D :p :D
  9. J

    Hero Gun Dad Gets Just 3 Days

    The worst. If I recall correctly - and I hope I do - he went straight to hell. Uugh! There is no justice!!! :banghead: :banghead: :cuss: :cuss: :fire: :fire:
  10. J

    MicroBalrog vs. the British Education system!

    :confused: Hitler and his Germany: bare minimum of at least 6 million murdered, not to mention the tens of millions caught up and killed in the conflagration caused by his/their madness. The deepest irony here is that the :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: FRENCH!!!!! Facilitated Herr Hitler et al...
  11. J

    Hero Gun Dad Gets Just 3 Days

    *** has happened to this country? We used to erect monuments to brave men like this. Didn't get reamed? DIDN'T GET REAMED? AAAUUUGGHHHH!!!!
  12. J

    Crowds wait up to 14 hours to get Hillary to sign book

    I hope they spent the time trying to learn how to read. DFBonnett, your are killin' me! LMMFAO
  13. J

    Amnesty International : U. S. "terrifyngly repressive nation"

    Hey Ag, Why don't you and Amnesty International, and Medicins sans Frontieres, and those boys in the baby-blue helmets, just come on over and find out exactly how regressive some of us can be? Meanwhile, we will be busy cleaning up the mess that your retrograde empires created.
  14. J

    Cop shooter feared for his life, court told

    Well, you did say something about being a hippie-liberaltarian, or some such hogwash. Oh yeah, another big newsflash for you. The "tribes" immegranted :rolleyes: here as well. You may give them a pass, but I don't. In any event, that has nothing to do with what I said. I know you may feel...