Recent content by joemerchant24

  1. J

    Nebraska lawmaker introduces assault weapons ban

    Mikee; Come over to The Shack or and help us organize and plan the defense. (If you already are a visitor to both, thank you).
  2. J

    Nebraska lawmaker introduces assault weapons ban

    Lots more at Measure targeting assault weapons sent to the floor BY LESLIE REED WORLD-HERALD BUREAU LINCOLN — A heavily rewritten gun-control bill takes aim at assault weapons and, if approved by the Legislature, could lead to the banning of certain firearms in...
  3. J

    With Fred out, a new strategy

    So you consider voting for a person who has a record of trying to kill your rights... including rights you obviously hold dear... is not a wasted vote? Voting for the lesser of two evils just makes for more evil the next time around. Look what the GOP has reduced us to... Someone is actually...
  4. J

    With Fred out, a new strategy

    For too long the GOP has taken the gun vote for granted. After all, they say, who else will be vote for... Democrats? Well, now that they've chased Fred (no support from HQ), I've had it. This year, the entire gun culture needs to vote third party. I don't care which third party...