Recent content by JRntEwing

  1. J

    BROWNING A5 Information please...

    I've followed a BUNCH of them on Gunbroker when I was looking a=for one a few months back. Seemed like the shootable junkers went for around $400, the nice ones in the $700 to $800 range and over a thousand (and waaay up) for the pristine Belgiums. You can date that weapon by serial number on...
  2. J

    308 magazines

    Maybe I'm wrong... A quick Google search of: Savage Model 10,.308 10 round magazine turned up quite a few Savage options but I'm not sure they would work in your rifle without modification. I think they are for the Law Enforcement model.
  3. J

    308 magazines

    Not absolutely positive but I think you're stuck with a 4 round mag in that rifle as it is. I'm pretty sure it can be modified to take M-14 mags. I'd run an internet search to find who was doing that modification. I'm sure one of the gun boards would have some discussion of it.
  4. J

    Reputable Online retailers..

    ABSOLUTELY, it's safe to buy from Amazon. I've bought climbing stuff, gun stuff, BOOKS, storeable food, tools, and just about anything you could think of from them. Amazon itself is as safe as it gets, if your looking at an affiliate seller just stay with the 95%, or better, good feedback...
  5. J

    Which State has the best Laws for Shooters

    Jim Rawles over at has done extensive research on gun laws, climate, pop. density, taxes, etc. He concentrated on west of the Mississippi river. I haven't looked at it for awhile but I seem to recall it was Idaho or Utah, just for gun laws, with a slight edge for Arizona when...
  6. J

    Never thought "firearm" and "adult novelty" would be used in the same sentence.

    "adult toy" is kinda vague. Some of that stuff can run into the THOUSANDS of dollars per unit. Might not be a bad trade. Depending on your skill level, interests, and partner of course. :-)
  7. J

    .308 Best prices and reloading costs 2/2011

    You've got a LOT more disposable income than me if you can afford 500 rounds of this stuff for a barrel BREAK-IN. AIM Surplus has the German .308 FMJ NATO (7.62x51) 200rd Battle Pack (magnetic) for 79.95 for 200 rds. Southern Ohio Gun has Radway Green (Non-magnetic) on strippers but you have...
  8. J

    M1a's -am I missing something, Part Deux

    I also meant to add... Go shoot an Appleseed. I've been shooting since I was 8 (49 years ago) and those guys taught me a lot. Take a .22 for the first may decide to use it again on the second day, like me. It's harder to qualify than it sounds. All the techniques will transfer over...
  9. J

    M1a's -am I missing something, Part Deux

    You've got the best of both worlds in that 18" M1-A. Not so long as to be unwieldy indoors or in heavy brush, but not so short that you give up meaningful fps. I'd leave it as you bought it in the fiberglass stock. I think the E2 stock had a shorter L.O.P. than normal because it was intended to...
  10. J

    Do You Own A Gun Worth More Than Your Car?

    Yup. It's getting to the point where that might indeed be a factor. That said: 1988 Toyota pickup Beretta BM-62 (1769 of 2000)
  11. J

    Firing without choke tubes?

    I'd take it to a decent gunsmith and have him measure it with an inside micrometer and a threads-per-inch gauge. Once he's got the specs determining the manufacturer should be easy. Bass Pro Shops is a decent outfit but just cause it's not on their shelves doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that...
  12. J

    Backpacking gun?

    Try out some of these at the range in your pistol. Might save you the cost of a new pistol if they function properly. or I don't think you've got grizzlies in that area and a...
  13. J

    Buffalo bore .380+p ammo

    You've got two different questions there. Will your Sig handle a few rounds of it without damage? Most certainly. Is it better than Crit Defense? Better for what? I don't see much use for BB's two +P hollowpoint loads, if you overdrive velocity in a given hollowpoint it can decrease the...
  14. J

    380 choices

    Likes & Dislikes I've been around firearms most of my life and have carried a weapon almost every day for the last 30 years. Twice, it's been out and in my hand, with intent, but never actually fired except in practice. I've never found the perfect pocket .380, everything has trade offs and...