Recent content by kengrubb

  1. K

    Jim Cirillo killed last night in traffic accident

    I had the good fortune of taking his class at Firearms Academy of Seattle in 2000. He was a wealth of knowledge and a great teacher. His aim was true, and his mind was sharp. He could have you laughing so hard your sides hurt, then turn around and bring a tear to your eye relating incidents...
  2. K

    2 case scenarios for LE

    Checkers, Chess, Global Thermonuclear War, et al. Probably not. But it would depend upon the state. You can always ask. Oh course, but some courts have held the cop can then arrest you until able to determine your identity. Well, anyone can ask anyone else any question they want. You do...
  3. K

    Gun Used In Self-Defense? Tell '20/20'! April 6, 2007 — Have you ever defended yourself from a crime in your home, in your business, or in public by using a gun? Perhaps you warded off a potential attacker by simply showing a gun? 40 states now allow their citizens to obtain...
  4. K

    USA Invasion

    Fighting in someone else's neighborhood (Iraq and Afghanistan), regular U.S. Army and Marine units, not Spec Ops, have been kicking the living "sierra" outta some very determined fighters for a couple of years now. Set aside any rhetoric about whether we're really changing anything there, I'm...
  5. K

    UW Shooter Was Here Illegally

    Actually, I think the majority of Evergreen Staters still get it. Tacoma Mall shooting, Capital Hill massacre, Jewish Community Center massacre, and most still seem to be holding to the notion that new gun control legislation won't fix any of these. There's a handful of extremists in Seattle...
  6. K

    2 dead. What good is a domestic-violence protection order?

    I used to work at the UW, and actually one can apply to be allowed to carry on campus. I heard rumors, but never talked to anyone personally with permission, that while not Shall Issue it also wasn't an impossibility.
  7. K

    UW Shooter Was Here Illegally Jonathan Rowan was in U.S. illegally SEATTLE Immigration officials said tonight that a man who killed a woman on the University of Washington campus on Monday and then killed himself had lived in the United States illegally for...
  8. K


    Nearly 40% of the offenders had some type of formal firearms training, primarily from the military. More than 80% "regularly practiced with handguns, averaging 23 practice sessions a year," the study reports, usually in informal settings like trash dumps, rural woods, back yards and "street...
  9. K

    Intruder stories that happened to YOU!

    This is an intruder story that happened to a friend of mine, James. He and I are about a year apart in age, but in 1975, when I was probably starting T-ball season, he, his Mom and his little brother were among those evacuated by helicopter off the rooftop of the American Embassy in Saigon...
  10. K

    Intruder stories that happened to YOU!

    This is as close as I ever got to an intruder or to shooting someone. Was surfing the Net about 1 AM, and someone knocked rather forcefully on my sliding glass door. Blinds were closed so I couldn't see who it was, but my first thought was it's the cops and they've got the wrong address on a...
  11. K

    CCW & Public Restroom..what do you do?

    When pouch carrying, I take off the pouch and either hang it on the coat hook (if there's one) or buckle the pouch and hang it over my shoulder. When IWB carrying, I keep the gun holstered and tuck both gun and holster inside my pants leg. So as not to let Your Precious come into contact with...
  12. K

    Sheep, Sheepdog or about a Feral Hog?

    "This better be one stupid cat."
  13. K

    Sheep, Sheepdog or about a Feral Hog?

    Yes, but I'm a foolish, glass half full, optimist. Four seasons of weather, right next to D.C. and the treasure chest of monuments, Ft. McHenry, the Bay Bridge, historic battlefields, Ocean City (and the whole Eastern Shore for that matter), the Naval Academy, Beretta and the Redskins...
  14. K

    Sheep, Sheepdog or about a Feral Hog?

    Just call me homo arma. It's better in some areas, but that only means it's worse in others. Maryland where I grew up is awful. There's two kinds of people with guns there--cops and criminals. That's a prevailing attitude among LE there, and some in government are working to make it the...
  15. K

    New Way To Avoid A Firefight

    One could also look at the glass as half full and conclude that the cops in Wabash don't believe they have anything to fear from folks knowing their names and faces.