Recent content by Leverb66

  1. L

    Fitness Challenge

    An often overlooked part of training is just being physically fit, I'm trying to change that! I'm putting together an online fitness challenge. It's a small accountability if your interested in learning how to be a part of my Challenge group send me a PM! Thanks.
  2. L

    Legality of detaining and disarming due to a 911 call...

    We have digital signs on the highway here that read "Call 911 if you spot a DUI" Infuriating me! Just because you see car swerve doesn't mean it a dui. I talk to my prosecutor friend and he reassures me that a 911 alone call doesn't give an offficer cause to make a traffic stop. So NavyLCD...
  3. L


    I read through the majority of it and never read anything regarding imprisonment. I'm not saying it isn't there, but I didn't find it. Anyone know where it is specifically?
  4. L

    Wow! LOUD!!

    I fired my DPMS .243 during deer season this year. I normally do not wear ear protection while hunting, and I couldnn't believe how loud it was. Years prior I've used a Ruger M77 in 30.06 and I don't think its anywhere near as loud. Glad to hear I'm not just getting older!
  5. L

    Upland Shades

    I use some motorcycle glasses that are light adjusting. I can't remember the name of them but they work really well for hunting. They start with a yellowish tint, that seems to brighten things at dusk/dawn.
  6. L

    NYT article of restoration of 2A rights

    tyeo, I was thinking the exact same thing.
  7. L

    I want to hunt for meat.

    Gotta say the biggest cost involved is the cost of gas. I've spent several hundred dollars this year on gas for my car while hunting, and have yet to kill anything! It's never going to be cheaper than buying in the store, but it will always be better.
  8. L

    11-11-11 Not so lucky for this guy ;) (oversize pic warning)

    Nice buck, and nice hat! You need to get an orange or camo one for hunting season!
  9. L

    House Panel clears National Carry

    Have you read it? There is no new Federal license. It forces other states that issue CCP's to honor your state's permit. You still have to follow the laws of the state you are in while carrying in a different state. I don't know how that equals a loss of states rights?
  10. L

    Dogs at the Range?

    The range that I go to has a trap range as well and I have seen several people walking their (bird)dogs on leashes. They kept a good distance so as not to be a distraction. I assume they were trying to get their dog accustom to gunfire.
  11. L

    2012 Republican Candidate Records on 2nd Amendment Rights

    Well I did find this - "In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, the host asked, "Governor, let's close with four quick issue sets to get you located on the political map. Would you veto an assault weapons ban?" "I would not veto an assault weapons ban," said Huntsman...
  12. L

    2012 Republican Candidate Records on 2nd Amendment Rights

    So a few have said that Huntsman doesn't have a good 2A track record. He is coming from a very pro-2A state. What has Huntsman said or done regarding 2A issues?
  13. L

    The deer's pelvis

    google : sagen saw
  14. L

    Smart phone = bad hunting?

    The worst thing about the OP is that there was no cell phone pic of a kill!
  15. L

    Do concealed guns belong in stadiums?

    To be clear I'm not against others having self protection available at stadiums. I think for me, a 'safe' shoot in a stadium would be near impossible. I'd probably like to be able to carry so that I don't have to leave my ccw in the car and walk through potentially bad areas unprotected.