Recent content by Max Beep

  1. M

    What was best/luckiest shot you ever made?

    My Best Lucky Shot I was about 16 deer hunting with a double barreled shotgun and rifled slugs. I killed an 8 point buck that was jumping over a fence at probably 50 yards. One shot in the heart. It cleared the fence and dropped dead just on the other side.
  2. M

    Should I be concerned?

    It sounds to me like they were casing the neighborhood, but you never know. One thing you can do when working in the yard is keep a can of wasp killer nearby. It'll work wonders in someone's face from a safe distance.
  3. M

    Light on or off?

    I have floodlights on the corners of my home. I keep the porch light off because invariably if I forget and leave it on people I don't know take that as an invitation to knock on the door at any hour. I have a motion detector light that covers the porch so I'll know if someone comes up. I'm...
  4. M

    O'Reilly Factor tonight - 'gun show loophole'

    Roc Kor - excellent letter IMHO
  5. M

    UPS and Ammo

    Does anyone know when you buy ammo and have it delivered is the package labeled ammunition? I work at a place that I don't want to have the ammo delivered if it is marked. If the delivery is marked can you arrange a UPS pickup at their location rather than a home or office delivery? Thanks...
  6. M

    Buh-bye Rosie!

    She's departing not a moment too soon, but I'm afraid we will see more of her.
  7. M

    Why I almost voted for Hillary Clinton for US Senate (NY) in 2000

    With all due respect: OMG
  8. M

    Ben Stein on guns

    I like Ben Stein. Evidently, now I disagree with him. That won't stop me from liking him.
  9. M

    This is so cool I can't stand it.

    Anyone know how much something like that costs??
  10. M

    Report: Teacher Fired After Va.-Tech Reenactment

    As I understand it he was planning to segue into a question on if the VT incident had an impact on the financial markets. Had his demonstration been pro-gun control, I doubt he would have been fired. Heck, it might have even made for a feel-good spot on the evening local news...
  11. M

    At least SOME Canadians "get it"...

    I'm glad to read the article from Calgary. Nevertheless, I suspect that Canada is much like the US in some respects. I would think a place like Calgary would naturally be more conservative than say Montreal.
  12. M

    What's everyone's age and shooting experience?

    51. I must have been about 10 or 11 when my dad took me to a range. When he retired, we moved to a farm and I got my own guns. After that the Marine Corps made sure I did a little bit of shooting: 7.62, 5.56, .45, 9mm, 20mm and 2.75" FFAR. Most of my shooting has been pretty sporatic, but...
  13. M

    Take a deep breath and breath in common sense.

    Yeah, common sense. I live in town. What is it with people you don't know knocking on your door at 9:00 PM at night? I wouldn't do that except in an emergency...
  14. M

    Why would the VT killer file off the serial numbers?

    Not gospel, but I'd heard that with modern technology, merely filing off the serial number won't render the serial number unidentifiable. Anybody know for sure? I think he thought he might be able to ditch the guns and get away with it.
  15. M

    MTV points out that Geraldo is an idiot.

    I saw his website. Seems like a good, smart kid with his head screwed on right.