Recent content by Mobile Vulgus

  1. M

    'Special Police' Should Disarm Americans?

    Toledo Blade Columnist: 'Special Squads of Police' Should Disarm Americans Since the VT shootings in Blacksburg, Virginia, we have seen all manner of wild-eyed, anti-gunners come out of the woodwork to cynically use this crime as a chance to beat their gun grabbing drums. But, proposing that...
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    Bill To Prevent Feds From Confiscating Guns

    Concord, New Hampshire In the January session of the New Hampshire legislature, a bill has been introduced to prevent officials from confiscating legally owned guns from the citizens of the state during a state of emergency. (See text of bill - House Bill 1639-FN) During the Katrina...
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    Gun Grabbing mayor of Chicago-hypocrite!

    WOW! I hadn't heard of that story! What an over reaction by the state, huh?
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    Gun Grabbing mayor of Chicago-hypocrite!

    Who the heck is David Codrea?
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    Gun Grabbing mayor of Chicago-hypocrite!

    Well, Mayor Daley wants to have Gay marriage but NOT second amendment rights! Here is a great letter skewering him for his hypocrisy... A letter to Hiz Honor