Recent content by Overman

  1. O

    What's wrong with a dry gun? (no oil)

    Ahh! No wonder all my guns are damaged beyond repair! My stuff had a friction coefficient of .03! D'oh!
  2. O

    "The Turner Diaries" hurts our cause....

    They'll start with "Turner Diaries". They'll take that down. Too "disgusting" they'll say. Next it'll be "Soldier of Fortune". "What honest citizen needs that?" they'll say. Then it'll be "American Rifleman". Bunch of gun loons. As long as "Turner Diaries" is still being sold, I'll...
  3. O

    ISP trooper pleads guilty

    My thought process: Q: Is the law unjust? A: Yes Therefore: Let 'em go. To advocate otherwise is to advocate jailing people unjustly.
  4. O

    CCW holders, I have a question for you?

    I got a CHL because I am good with weapons (obsessive about safety, a good shot). I'm obsessive about doing all the research, reading the books, considering the scenarios beforehand. I have the money and time to invest in good hardware and training, my girlfriend is pro 2nd Amendment, so I...
  5. O

    Aurora CO: homeowner 1, burglar 0

    The guy lives in a REAL bad area. Just a couple blocks off of Denver's Colfax Avenue (in this case, east Colfax, a couple miles west of I-225), called by Playboy Magazine "the longest, wickedest street in America". Trust me, two times is VERY possible in that area.
  6. O

    Call for first-hand "LIMP-WRISTING" experiences

    I was having problems with my G36 failing to eject (about four out of a hundred rounds) , so I took a lesson with Roger Miller in Denver (former FBI Quantico instructor and NRA instructor who taught me what I needed for my Colorado CHL). I was a wheelgunner, so I had wheelgun habits, and needet...
  7. O

    Just trying out my new camera

    You need light, and plenty of it. One or two of those 500 watt halogen work lights does the trick. And if you REALLY want to do it right, you'll want to do indirect lighting (bounce the light off of something, rather than have it hit your objects directly). Google "photography indirect...
  8. O

    'Bout time for another Caption This!

    That guy riding shotgun reminds me a lot of Brian Peppers.
  9. O

    Random Taffic Stop Gun Checks

    They are not technically unconstitutional because you are under no obligation to enter a checkpoint. You are absolutely within your rights to do a legal u-turn and not enter the checkpoint. Of course, depending on how many other citizens are u-turning, you might get scrutinized after the...
  10. O

    Random Taffic Stop Gun Checks

    That's nothing. I was pulled over for "accelerating fast out of an intersection". No kidding. After that happened, I did some research on the legality of that. Turns out that was what they call "reasonable suspicion" (particularly when done at 2:30 AM which is just after the bars close)...
  11. O

    Saturday Night Specials?

    I want a true, textbook example of a so-called "Saturday Night Special" to complete my collection. A Raven, I suppose, or something similar. As it stands, I've got S&W's, Winchester, GLOCK, Ruger, etc, etc, in all shapes, sizes, and purposes. But a Raven would fill out my collection...
  12. O

    Anyone else give up on autoloaders?

    Five or six (or seven) out of a revolver is more than enough for 99% of defensive situations. If I was SWAT or something, I'd want double columns and stuff. As it stands, I'm just a citizen, I just want it to go 'bang' without thinking, "is the safety on? is one in the chamber?" Semi's are...
  13. O

    How bad it is in NJ. Plus another idiot journo

    Or a shotgun, for that matter :barf:
  14. O

    How much SHTF would it take?

    I don't know. When (and if) the 'shtf', I'll know it and I'll deal with it at that point. Personally, my breaking point would be if I was no longer able to own arms anywhere in the US. DC, Jersey, Massachusetts, parts of California, well, I choose not to live there, and they and their...
  15. O

    And President Fox doesn't sign it...

    Well, someone probably pointed out to Fox that he would lose the ability to arrest people for simply posessing something. That's a powerful ability, to a government. There are very few instances of a head of state giving up the ability to arrest people, let alone arrest people for mere...