Recent content by papabear47

  1. P

    How will bullet serialization affect us...

    Bullet check. Several years ago an Illinois DRR cop required me to open every .410 shell I had on my person and in my vehicle because they were reloads and he stated that he was checking for illegal size shot....He was looking for "OO" buck,and I was shooting #4 shot,he did not accept the fact...
  2. P

    For those who say not to have less-lethal options

    As a stroke victim who has lost partial use of both left arm and leg and on blood thinners I guess I should just roll over and die if attacked by an unarmed individual here in Hellinois....One good blow to the head and I would probably become a vegetable or die....At least I would not injure anyone.
  3. P

    Trouble with Walther P22's

    My wife had a problem with ejection because she did not have a firm grip.Once she used a tight grip everything was fine.
  4. P

    SKS or 870 for bear defense?

    Bear gun My .300 Win Mag and I killed two bears in June and August of 1968 using 180 grain soft points.A 280 pound black bear was a one shot kill at over 400 yards.A 1300 pound Toklat Grizzly was a 25 yard suprise shot (we suprised each other) taken while tracking a black bear.Four shots were...
  5. P

    Is a second American Revolution impossible?

    People can be pushed only so far.Be it a small group or large,they will eventuall revolt,be it a political revolt(preferrable) or a violent one.We are not sheep although many in politics like to think so.These are the same people (Mayor Daly of Chicago) who believe they are entitled to rule and...
  6. P

    Deputy charged with murder

    SWAT I have had the same opinion that Carebear has expressed.Randy Weaver,David Korish and many others could have been taken into custody with sneaky pete tactics,out numbered and out gunned by LEO's in plain clothes with uniformed backup to protect any bystanders from harm.Think of all the...
  7. P

    Ohio,Democrats shedding pro-gun mantle already?

    Liars. Just like Illinois Republicans.
  8. P

    Price of scrap brass cartridge cases?

    Scrapping brass Got .80 cents a pound in August.Sold 174 pounds yesterday at the same scrap yard for 1.10 per pound when the owner recognized me.This was all brass that was damaged or heavily reloaded.I pick it up at my pistol/rifle range all year long.
  9. P

    Hidden in United States Code

    None Dare Call It Treason. If you can find it, read "None Dare Call It Treason"by John A. Stormer it is still rellavent.
  10. P

    NYPD: Three shots then look!

    Good shoot/bad shoot. I agree with PAX,shooting someone who no longer poses a threat is murder.Thraining yourself to automaticaly fire a head shot no matter what is poor policy.And I know what a "Mad Minute" is from personal experience,U.S.A.F. 1966-1970. And what defense do you have when...
  11. P

    Why I don't vote

    Vote or not,what will replace it. Your not voting will not affect others,WRONG,by not voting you tell those in power that they can continue treading on the citizens of America.Blindly voting the party line does the same.We are always at a crossroads in American politics or so the pundits tell...
  12. P

    National Buy Ammo Week

    Buy it,shoot it. Bought my 200 rds,then shot them up with my wife and younger son at Darnells range in Bloomington Illinois this afternoon...Gov. Blago and Mayor Daly hate firearms and want all semi autos banned.revolvers and single shots will be next....Guess I will have to reload that batch...
  13. P

    Shaq and SWAT raid wrong house...

    Ninja law. The military style approach to law enforcement was discused with me by my twentynine year old son who is a graduate of Illinois University at Normal with a bachelor degree in criminal justice plus four years in the military. He decided not to be a police officer after experiencing...
  14. P

    FN 5.7 Handgun

    Colateral damage. I would not want to be hit by any high velocity fragmenting round by accident,and at 2000 fps. there is a good probability of fragmentation not to mention hydroscopic shock, especially with a cranial or thorax hit. But then again if you are dead a lawsuit by your survivors...