Recent content by Seawolf

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    "America's Gun Culture Must Change" Staff Columnist Chris Donnelly is a 5th-semester sociology and political science double major. He can be contacted at [email protected] You can also...
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    looking for pic of mini glock for comparison

    Does the grip extender make the 26 feel like a 19 in your hands? Or is it still smaller?
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    Mozilla Firefox = Anti firearm bias?

    I had to laugh at this thread...
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    In regards to ARs, the law doesn't say "type" it only lists the specific model, i.e. "Colt AR-15" so "Colt Match Target" is legal.
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    Condi Rice on Gun rights.....

    Make sure to give it a five star rating on Yahoo news.
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    "Happy slapping"

    If you feel justified in drawing your weapon after being slapped in the face, you really need to re-examine whether or not you should be carrying a firearm.
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    That "24" is some tense show...

    Anyone notice the uncanny similiarities between the ex-VP's' top adviser guy (Mike) and Dick Cheney? Do you think this is on purpose or a coincidence? I lean towards on purpose.
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    Alberto Gonzales - Pro Gun Control?

    Bush and Co. could care less.... they are never up for election again.
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    Commentary in today's school paper: Gun nuts' have no real excuse
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    Good CT and NH gun shops?

    Hoffman's, Newington Gun Exchange are my two favorite stops - close-by as well. Been to Cubeta's as well. Good experiences at all three.
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    AWB Debate Hannity and Colmes, Monday Sept 13th 9PM EST

    Gotta give Colmes credit though, he isn't an total jerk like many of h is fellow liberals.
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    Help me craft a Letter to the Editor...

    Editorial appeared today in our school paper:
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    Do you notice the ONE THING nobody is saying about Nick Berg?

    My money is on the guess that he was a Mossad agent.
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    If the election were held today....

    As long as it brings Kerry's % down, :cool:
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    If the election were held today.... upper right corner. Help this school see the light, let's give them a shocker.