Recent content by Secret Master

  1. S

    7/29/05 - Senate S.397 Discussion

    Oh, thank goodness! I thought you guys meant "Reid" ammendment. Boy was I mad!
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    Text of my letter to SF City Attorney

    This is the text of a letter which I have had delivered to San Francisco's City Attorney's office. Similar letters have also been delivered to the Mayor's office, every city Supervisor (including Chris Daly's), and two local newspapers. I suggest many of you compose and send similar letters to...
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    A Response to State Senator Perata's "Republican+NRA =Terrorism" Mailer

    Doooh! Well, you guys know what I meant.
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    A Response to State Senator Perata's "Republican+NRA =Terrorism" Mailer

    Those of you who live in Contra Costa County may have receive a mailer from State Senator Don Perata entitled "Right-Wing Republicans + N.R.A. = Homeland Terrorism." Below is a copy of a letter which I have composed in response to this unamusing bit of political tripe. Having already submitted...
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    Letter To The Republican Party

    Fellow Californian Gun Owners: Like many of you I was angered by Gov. Schwarzenegger's signing of AB50. For me it was an especially cruel blow as I am a consistent contributor to a variety of Republican organizations. In light of his decision to betray the Second Amendment, I am responding to...
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    Would you keep them if Kerry got elected?

    fix: In a rural setting local law enforcement may very well choose to take your side either actively or passively, which means that no "mano a mano" should be necessary let alone "mano a copter." He or she may very well be one of us, or at least sympathetic to us. I'm talking about the long...
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    Would you keep them if Kerry got elected?

    Freewheeling: I'm not advocating total self-sufficiency in all things. Given the choice between a factory made hammer and one I have to bang out on an anvil myself I will invariably choose the factory made one for quality as well as expediency. Given the choice between a high quality firearm...
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    Would you keep them if Kerry got elected?

    Fellow Americans: The problem here is a very simple economic one: supply and demand. Traditionally when any of us want to purchase a firearm we go to the store to see what's available, obtain a weapon, fill out our paperwork, buy some ammunition, and then go off to the shooting range to...
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    CSPAN thread for Tuesday 03/02/04

    It looks to me like we've been knifed. Pull the damn thing out before the Democrats twist it! Do you know what this means, folks? We have been judged by the politically savy and found wanting. They are no longer politically frightened of us.
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    A Fisking: letter from Rep. George Miller (and response)

    Mark: You're right, of course; but even the idea of a "cooling off" period for free speach is chilling!
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    A Fisking: letter from Rep. George Miller (and response)

    For your reading pleasure, here is a transcription (and subsequent fisking) of a letter I received from Congressman George Miller, California 7th District. Feel free to contact him if you too live in my district. Dear Mr. Walters: Thank you for contacting me to share your views regarding...
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    When is authority no longer valid?

    telewinz: I generally make a point of not feuding with senior members of this board; but if you are going to take the Anglophile position on this matter that leaves me to defend the integrity of the #cough# Framers. Let's start with an overview of the aftereffects Seven Years War, of which...
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    When is authority no longer valid?

    Telewinz: "....our total tax revenue wouldn't support the British troops guarding our frontiers. All the British wanted was for us to pay a small portion of the expenses incurred in our own defense. " That isn't really accurate. We paid for are defense both in taxes -- and blood, plenty of...
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    When is authority no longer valid?

    hammer4nc: Man, I hope so! That sounds like a pretty good outcome, abet one with a good deal of suffering and harship involved for those on the front line (not that I would mind too much.... until they took my house). Still, a more realistic scenario is one where our proud nation deteriorates...
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    When is authority no longer valid?

    Bountyhunter: Yeah, things are pretty rough in the East Bay: lots of crime, tons of violent kids, police aren't (maybe can't be) much help most of the time, and the local governments are working hard to strip what's left of the 2nd Amendment so that people can't legally defend themselves...