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  1. S

    High Court Rules Gov'ts Can Seize Property

    Tyranny in Government Thomas Jefferson said... No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. :fire:
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    Open Letter from Ronnie Barrett

    Links for letter Mr. Barrett's ideas will work if we all boycott any city, state or company where they violate the Second Amendment. This is the 2nd American Revolution! Not a shooting war but one fought with...
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    Open Letter from Ronnie Barrett

    An Open Letter From Ronnie Barrett Dear Fellow Citizens In the never-ending battle to destroy our constitution, more "big lie" propaganda is being dumped on our elected officials. The rhetoric given forth by the Violence Policy Center (VPC) so easily deceived the legislators of...
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    Front Sight ALASKA?!

    Police Officers look at facts, not rumors Tetleyb As I understand a police officer is only interested in facts, not rumor. You appear to be a intelligent person. So use the skill you have been given, investigate by going to Front Sight or talking to Dr Piazza. He has a 800 number on the web...
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    Front Sight ALASKA?!

    This is Front Sight Alaska Here is an article in the Peninsula Clarion about Front Sight Alaska! Remember Condemnation without Investigation equal Stupidity!
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    My Front Sight Experience [long with pics]

    Owning a Facility like Front Sight As others have said I don't understand why some people have to condemn without investigation. I have found every firearm training facility I have attended has a value to those who want to improve the shooting skills. It appears that some of the people...