Recent content by spartan7085

  1. S

    "Sir, do you have any weapons in the vehicle"?

    leo's should stay away from making policy - otherwise they move away from 'protect and serve' into directing those they supposedly 'serve'
  2. S

    I Now Have A Randall Model 2!!!

    I love my Randall knife I ordered a model 16 a few years back - ordered the wife and father in law one each as well. Theirs both arrived in about a year.. mine took about 18 months. The wait for an order from Randall is about 5 years or more now.... You're gonna love it.
  3. S

    Can I Carry A Knife???

    be careful you're likely talking about hofstra or adelphi (maybe one of the others) in any event - if you ask about having the knife on campus they will tell you NO... if you don't ask... then just follow the state law... even then expect to have problems if you are stopped and searched for...
  4. S

    Would you carry without your CCW on a trip?

    ccw choice i would not advise anyone to carry outside of the law - that being said there have been times in the past and will likely be some in the future where i have done so.... even in state where it is against the law...