Recent content by Strings

  1. S

    I did something horrible

    This "trick" doesn't work if your wife's a shooter. A couple of the guns in the house are hers. One or two of those started out as mine...
  2. S

    How to carry a rifle on a motorcycle?

    >Take-Down Rifles or Shotguns of course, would need less room when in the two piece mode. < We actually plan on making a detachable leather boot for the case to my Beretta OU, that can be mounted to the bike. I don't anticipate any problems...
  3. S

    How to carry a rifle on a motorcycle?

    Mount the scabbard to the saddlebag mounts. Or, to the bag on one side itself
  4. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    >I feel that certain gun control measures need to be in place. I have no problem with a background check or the like. Heck I would even support a mental health screening before one is legally able to obtain a firearm.< Ahhh... but who decides what is "just cause" to bar you? That bar can be...
  5. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    >If such articles could blow my brains out from a mile away, then I'd look closely at restrictions on them. < Oh... so you've never seen the damage that can be done to someone via press coverage? Google "Joe the Plumber"... >And you've never seen those Press badges, required to get access to...
  6. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    eqfan: you're talking about an impossibility. Saying "If the illegal trade in guns was discontinued" is playing a "what if?" game that gets us nowhere. One unfortunate fact of human life: anything desired can be had, for a price. So long as prohibited folks want to get weapons, they'll find a...
  7. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    Let me see if I can restate what you just said, and see if we can agree... >You are trying to paint a picture that I and others who have posted in this thread want restrictions. This is simply not true at all. I personally can not think of one new restriction I'd like to see. I also think that...
  8. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    *sigh* >Well now you want to brand me as a Brady bunch individual. Ain't that cute. Is that all you got? So you believe that a gun owner has the right to carry on private property even when the owner forbids it? First off, big guy, stay on message and don't degenerate to personal attacks. I...
  9. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    >We already have the largest percentage of the general population locked up. More than any country in the world. Look it up. We are not a "warehouse society" we attempt to rehabilitate social misfits. That's what parole boards are all about. England tried what you suggest back in the 1800s...
  10. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    Wow... first time I've ever had a post quoted in it's entirety. Should I feel honored? Was NOT trying to paint the view of anyone in this discussion as anything: was illustrating a point. The fact that my post was quoted, in it's entirety, suggests that I might have hit a nerve. The power to...
  11. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    1) I would say instead: "they aren't going away anytime soon" If an anti-gun stance is demonstrated consistently to be poisonous to a politician, there will cease to be a push towards such. After awhile, the tide can be pushed the other way (just like the antis got the silly laws in the first...
  12. S

    The battle over "reasonable" gun regulations

    Gawds, but I hate these discussions... If Joe Burgler has served his sentence, paid whatever restitution he owes, and has finished his probation, why shouldn't he have full rights? Or, to put it more simply, if we can't trust him with a gun, why is he out in public in the first place...
  13. S

    Buying a gun for my wife

    First thing you need to do, is get over it all being about you... :neener: More serious now: EVERY woman I've taught to shoot has gravitated to 2 handguns: the 1911 (Spoon ended up getting a compact Kimber, Mom-in-law is getting a RIA full size) and the Automag. I have yet to have ANY woman...
  14. S

    Dumbest rumor you've heard?

    I've heard the "short shelf life primers" bit too: still haven't figured out how that's supposed to work... Had one guy tell me (during the AWB period) that my Beretta 92 was illegal, because it could take original cap mags. He insisted that they had been required to change the design of the...
  15. S

    Obama not reinstating AWB

    *sigh* Already told y'all what's going to happen. Blogged about it, but I'll put it out here again... Sometime between now and 2010 elections, you'll see another AWB start moving in congress. It'll be FAR nastier than the previous one. Although they would love to pass it, they won't: it'll be...