Recent content by sydisticpixi

  1. S

    Shooting deck

    Well done. Looks like it could double as a good stand for sporting clays. Only problem I see is the possibility of brass flying off the stand and rolling down the hill. Not a problem if your not shooting automatics though.
  2. S

    Can you paint a pistol magazine?

    Wow, lots of responses here! First let me show you my progress. I am using one magazine as a test piece. I started by sanding the body down a little. Than I taped off a small section. A coat of white Rustoleum metal primer, followed by light sanding. Than a coat of Duplicolor chrome, the only...
  3. S

    Can you paint a pistol magazine?

    I have two heavily worn magazines for my pistol that I would like to paint. They are all steel hard anodized Sig magazines. I would like to colour the magazines bright shiny blue so I can instantly see them on the range. I do a lot of run-and-gunning and have stepped on them, walked past them...
  4. S

    Any unhappy Ruger American owners?

    This pic is from a couple weeks ago. A buddy and I were hitting an 8" plate at 580 yards from the truck bed. So yeah, it’s a good gun. However it has its flaws and limitations. I had to sand the fore end down so the barrel would actually free float. Even with that if I really lean into it my...
  5. S

    Jr. stayed home

    Its funny, video games are what got me into guns. As a kid I loved all the cool guns in games and movies. Old westerns, action movies, and especially the more realistic games like Rainbow Six. As a teenager I could buy my own airsoft guns. I bought the ones I liked from video games. As an adult...
  6. S

    What guns have you sold/got rid of, and why?

    In my youth I sawed off the barrel on my Remington 870 LW. Dremeled it right down to the endcap, 10 inches! A blast to shoot but took me awhile to find ammo that patterned well. The day I finally found ammo that worked well, the DNR showed up. Officer: "Son, is that gun legal?" Me...