Recent content by The Bum from the Docks

  1. T

    President Bush's News Conference 4-13-04

    Which part of Bush saying, "This is scripted" don't you understand?
  2. T

    President Bush's News Conference 4-13-04

    Just cause I said so??? Ummm.....did you even go to the link that had the clip where Bush ADMITED that???? :scrutiny: :uhoh: :rolleyes:
  3. T

    President Bush's News Conference 4-13-04

    This segment from the conference proves the Q&A session with the media was all a scripted white wash. Here is a link to the trancript where it is also admited. The...
  4. T

    "Get Chipped" the Fun Way! "The ID SNIPERTM rifle designed by EMPIRE NORTH What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle? It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The...
  5. T

    CCW in Nigeria. Best caliber?

    Yes, I meant one on one.
  6. T

    History of Gun Control in the US

    What exactly is the history of federal gun control in the United States? The major cases. I am aware of National Firearms Act of 1934, the '68 gun control act, and the 1994 assault weapons ban. Are there other major gun control acts that were passed and what were they? Is there a good...
  7. T

    CCW in Nigeria. Best caliber?

    Are you serious? Why wouldn't the huge dog just bite it in two? It can easily crush bone!
  8. T

    CCW in Nigeria. Best caliber?

    So could a big male baboon mess up a hyeena?
  9. T

    What kind of snap caps/dummy rounds do you use?

    Will dry firing hurt your shotgun??
  10. T

    CCW in Nigeria. Best caliber?

    So, just which one of those....."pets" is the most dangerous? Which one would win in a fight? Now that's a match up I'd pay money to see! :D I'd have to go with my shotgun as my weapon. .....would be just like playing a darn video game, only if you mess up you die.
  11. T

    2nd Amendment Court Cases

    Very good, thank you much.
  12. T

    2nd Amendment Court Cases

    I am interested in all Federal 2nd Amendment related court cases that you guys may be aware of. I remember some time ago that the 9th circuit court of appeals gave a decision about the 2nd amendment that was anti individual rights. Which flew in the face of a decision made by the 5th...