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Recent content by The_Seventh_Sign

  1. T

    Man with a gun at Healthcare debate

    Hehe Healthcare isn't solely a republican thing when what the Democrats is proposing is criminal in nature and ranks right up there with forced suicides and makes Jack kavorkian seem like an honest doctor. There is talk of death pannels, having others decide if you will receive treatment...
  2. T

    Food rations

    Oh and i would like to add one to the things you need a magic permanent ink marker. Use it on the top to date when you bought the cans and put them in your storage rotate the old dates forward and the new dates to the back. TSS
  3. T

    Food rations

    Hum seems to me there is a website that may have something useful too. equipped.com reviews survival related equipment which would be a great place to learn about some things that work and somethings that do not. Ready.gov could also give you and idea what to keep on hand as well...
  4. T

    "I had to get my gun"

    Well placed gun shot will end most perps lives too bad the couple in FL didn't get their guns first. Now 12 kids with out parents and all have special needs. The score is looking like it was 9 vs 2 there with eight arrested! Someone needs to take out the trash in FL! TSS
  5. T

    understanding the .357 Magnum

    Ok the difference In Indiana you can hunt deer with a .357 Magnum. In Indiana the deer may not be hunted with a 45 auto. Both would leave the perp just as dead, just one is not legal to hunt with. Go figure as to why. Personally i tried shooting with a 357 in the left hand and the 45...
  6. T

    Show us your "ammo hoard"

    I also would like to throw a little caution at the people storing their ammo loosely in an ammo can. My thoughts on it If it is just plinking ammo i guess it is OK. But what if the shtf and thats it what you have will have to last. I put all mine in boxes. Some of the 7.62 x 39 ammo has...
  7. T

    Show us your "ammo hoard"

    The Guy in the Indy star story was Mentally incompetent and was earlier ordered by a judge to not hoard ammo. FYI
  8. T

    I came home and my front door was open

    Ok how about how to deal with the aftermath better First fix the darn door! Little planing a little drilling and a dead bolt a little painting. Second put the cat on a leash outside (It is a harnest that goes over the shoulders keeps them sung and secure.) or you could rig up a pull sting...
  9. T

    Contacted by BATFE today!!

    I guess no one reads the patriot act closely! It basically does away with the 4th amendment and allows warrantless searches. Personally i think the guy is right to do what he did too bad Randy weaver didn't do that when two agents were trying to entrap him. Shortly after the agents goaded...
  10. T

    .45 Auto One Shot One Kill

    Ok obviously no one paid heed to Mythbusters Hum if a skunk sprays you or your area you may be able to get the stink to go away. Tomato juice does not work Arm and hammor baking soda works some Bleach works some and I believe vinegar would work some too So here is what i would do if...
  11. T

    Information for Glock users

    Ok I believe there is a problem First anyone do a check of the bullets powder? and the weight of the bullets, as well? This reminds me of the Powder recall folks and it makes me think of the ten mill i loved shooting that a friend of mine had. What if this is in fact the case the wrong...
  12. T

    Attention Montanans!! HB228

    with peloski and the Justice department calling for more gun control should be first to get the boot! TSS
  13. T

    need ccw flashlight recommendations

    Li-Ions has one problem Lets say you do like i did and forget your cell phone out in your car on a 95 degree day. My cell phone battery did not work too well afterward. Now lets apply this to tactical lights I use a Mini mag-lite LED with rechargables i keep in hand just incase of frequent...
  14. T

    Handgun Ammo Shortage?

    handloading now is a problem as well the shortage is also extended to primers & powder as well. TSS
  15. T

    4th of July in iraq.... (gun related, i swear!)

    Be sure to clean up afterward If you respect the land it will go a little better with the natives. Don't leave it trashed. TSS:cool: