Recent content by woolybear

  1. W

    Repeal the 2nd Amendment, says the Chicago Tribune

    What's this guy talking about, the 2nd has been repealled in chicago. Its not enough that a liberal like this has helped create the cess-pool we call chicago, now he wants to extend it to the rest of america. The way I see it is I figure that I have more life behind me then ahead of me...
  2. W

    Come Heller high water (merged threads)

    :) :) :) :)
  3. W

    Mountain biking ccw options.

    Mountain Biker Ive been mountain biking for about 10 years now and raced for a team here in southern california. I own a G30 (heavy and bulky) and really do not see how you would carry that thing anywhere on you unless your carrying a larger sized camel back. I ride with a camel back (Rocket)...