Recent content by WyoShooter1

  1. W

    Higher End Electronic Hearing Protectors

    I looked them up but it doesn't appear that they offer devices that reduce sound or block high impact noises. They only show hearing aids on their site. Am I missing something? I'd still like to find a good in ear shooting protector. The best I've been able to find with google is the 3M...
  2. W

    RIP RC Model sad news

    I'm so saddened to learn of RC's passing. Like an earlier poster I first "met" him when I read his posts on the KTOG forum and when I found my way to THR and saw that he was here too I felt right away that I had found a friendly and knowledgeable group. He had a way of imparting knowledge...
  3. W

    Decent shoulder holster?

    I've got a couple of Bianchi X15 shoulder holsters that I like. They make five different sizes in that model and it takes a bit of searching to figure out which would fit your gun best. It's a vertical, muzzle down type carry and is a breakfront style holster so you can pull the gun out...
  4. W

    How long can Pro-2nd Amendment folks withold 2nd Amendment cases to SCOTUS?

    Uhh...this idea was rejected when FDR tried it. It was called his "court packing scheme." Ed
  5. W

    Damn, I have a $160 range bag :P

    Not to derail this thread, but there's another stool that's handy for people who want a place to sit any time they're out and about. About fifteen years or so ago I discovered the Walkstool. I was working as a photographer then and found this unit would fold up so compactly that I could just...
  6. W

    gamo question

    What was the weight of the Gamo pellets and the weight of the other brand pellets you tried?
  7. W

    Man Charged With Murder In Home Shooting Case

    Some more information on this case which was on the front page of the print edition of today's New York Times: MISSOULA, Mont. — Teenagers call it garage hopping. The goal was to sneak into an open garage, steal some beer or other items and slip away into the night. It was dumb and clearly...
  8. W

    Did they overreact?

    So, how did it turn out? Was he fired or just given a good reaming out? Ed
  9. W

    Bullet went between me and neighbor!

    Why did you stop her from calling the sheriff?:confused: WyoShooter1
  10. W

    Life lessons you've learned from shooting

    With that attitude, I hope I'm nowhere in range when you're armed.
  11. W

    Lubes ( An endorsement)

    That's interesting. All I had seen in the previous 8 pages was nothing but praise for this lube. Maybe I won't feel so bad after all for missing the boat on this one. Is there anyone else who has used this product and shot extensively and had the experience of the stuff getting tacky and...
  12. W

    Lubes ( An endorsement)

    Well, I just found and read this thread and went to the Berryhill web site to order a jar of the miracle lube myself. The description said "Sold Out" and when I emailed Berryhill to ask when he'd have more in stock he said he wasn't planning on ordering or selling any more. Anyone have any...
  13. W

    why microscopic guns

    Here's a design I'm waiting to see in production. The barrel extends back over the magazine and the cartridge is pulled backward to load into the chamber. For any given overall slide length, you wind up with a longer barrel.