Time to fire one off to your representatives

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Jun 18, 2010
Already on Monday night on the House floor there are demands and discussions for further gun control. Our representatives need to hear from us to remind them that this is not the solution. Consider writing your representatives. You can do it through the NRA which will find your reps and send your letter to each of them. http://nraila-letter.org/

Below is my letter I just sent.

In light of the recent Orlando incident where many people were murdered in a night club, I wanted to take the time to urge you to look for a legitimate solution to the problem rather than listen to the same emotional responses that want to blame the tools used to commit this vicious act. Firearms are not the problem. As we've seen during the Boston marathon bombing and the September 11th, 2001 attacks, these terrorists will carry out these vicious acts regardless of the tools at their disposal.

Keep in mind that over 100 million gun owners in America, most of which owning semiautomatic firearms, go about their daily lives peacefully. Attempts to further restrict our everyday lawful acts will only alienate us and cause far more problems than what we face now.

Time and time again we see these acts of terror carried out in gun free zones where they know they will face little to no opposition. There's a good reason these acts are not carried out at gun shops, gun shows or police departments. When there is a presence of armed American citizens able to protect themselves and others, the damage done by one individual is minimized or usually avoided all together.

As your constituent, I respectfully urge you to OPPOSE any further gun control that would not make Americans safer and would only further burden on the lawful citizens that are the only ones who obey gun laws in the first place.
Thank you for providing your go by. I used it and changed it a little bit and have sent it off.
I am a life member of NRA and Tx State Rifle Association but I did not know that the NRA had the letter(s) site to make it easy to send a letter to all of your representatives.
Thanks, gsmboolman...
I use the NRA's feature all the time rather than having to write the letter multiple times. They have another one that also has your State/local reps and you can uncheck the ones you don't want to send it to but this one worked fine for my purposes this time.
One point that I think we could add to our letters is to rebut the new willingness on the part of erstwhile conservatives (like two Fox commentators) to ban AR-15's while continuing to allow handguns, on the theory that handguns are sufficient for self-defense, is to remind them that in the L.A. riots the Koreatown neighborhood came through much better than other riot-affected areas because the Korean business owners were up on their roofs defending themselves and the property with, guess what, long guns.
Well, at least this time it's so repetitive we're prepared;

A whole litany of idiotic mistakes and abuses of The List;

Lots of good material for letters in there, as well as actual letters. Probably good to remind your reps that this hairbrained scheme was birthed by Senator Feinstein in response to the Paris Terror Attacks --see if they really want their Republican names on her bill.
I sent one of. Maybe more later on. I'd start communicationing. Many Im congress are crying over this. They are at a loss for how to handle the real issues so They are doing all they know which is Rights destruction.
Just in case anybody has trouble coming up with the right words, feel free to borrow some of mine:
Dear _____:
As you are undoubtedly aware, social media in this country has virtually exploded with new calls for gun control in the wake of the Orlando shooting. I write to you today to urge you to oppose any new gun control measures. In particular, I will address the handful of topics that have been clogging up my social media feeds.

1) Banning the AR-15, or possibly all semi-automatic rifles. The last Assault Weapons Ban ("AWB") lasted from 1994-2004. I am unaware of any drop in crime rates that can be linked to the AWB. Further, that law was enacted pre-Heller and pre-MacDonald, two US Supreme Court cases that established that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms enumerated by the 2nd Amendment is an individual, fundamental right. Banning such firearms places an unnecessary and ultimately pointless burden on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It also leads us down the slippery slope: If the AR can be banned, why not the Winchester Model 100? It's also semiautomatic, uses a detachable box magazine, so it could accept a 30-round magazine, and can be found in calibers much more powerful than .223 (the most common AR caliber).

2) Barring gun purchases to those on terror watch lists. No law-abiding citizen wants terrorists to have guns. However, the process by which someone gets on such a list is not well-known, and my understanding is that it is exceedingly difficult to get off of such a list. Accordingly, I have some very serious concerns about whether such a bar would violate the Due Process rights of thousands of American citizens. Further, it is my opinion that watch lists probably serve their investigative functions best if kept secret. Such a bar would put true terrorists in the position of being able to find out if they are on such a list by simply trying to buy a gun from a gun store. If the terrorist is denied, he knows he's on the watch list, and he (or his organization) can tailor his activities accordingly.

3) Expanded background checks. The Universal Background Check has been called for once again. Under Haynes v. U.S., a 1968 U.S. Supreme Court case, the State cannot enforce a registration requirement against a convicted felon, as that would violate his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. It is my somewhat educated belief that convicted felons are also immune from prosecution for failing to perform any mandated background check by virtue of the Fifth Amendment, as well.

4) The Gun Show Loophole / Internet Loophole. These rear their heads every time there's a new push for gun control. They're not loopholes. There's no special magic about gun shows or the internet. Transfers must still be performed in accordance with state and federal law. If the transfer crosses state lines, it must involve a federal firearms licensee. If the transfer involves a federal firearms licensee, a background check is required. See, generally, 18 U.S.C, 922.

Thank you for your time and attention in this.

First off, let me just say that like I HOPE most members here, I oppose the Democrat-headed proposal to outright add the terror watchlist to the prohibited persons category, and I also oppose the Republican-headed proposal to apply the terror watchlist to the existing 3-day delay standard written into NICS.

I will however say, that I feel that this proposal from the Republican side is mostly posturing. They're most likely putting forward a proposal at all to boost Trump, and also swing a few Senators that are inclined to vote for a proposal (any proposal), as opposed to voting against one.

Their proposal itself seems remarkably status-quo to me, it's just that the FBI has understaffed and undersupported NICS to the point that prohibited people are not even entered into the database, let alone being able to use the EXISTING 72 hour delay that NICS was designed to accommodate. As is, a NICS process is allowed to take 72 hours, at which point the FFL can legally perform the transfer without approval. The Republican proposal (which I must repeat that I am AGAINST) would simply enable the FBI to apply people to that existing standard, at which point they must file charges, or let it go.
Letters sent to all state and federal elected officials.

Everybody on THR and every gun owner should be doing this.

Just my .02,
I've been on the phone with my representatives as well as Senator Manchin's office. They've all been flooded with calls. Keep the pressure on them.
Also engage people in rational discussions on the subject. There is so much active misinformation that gets parroted by politicians and the media that people who are otherwise ignorant with respect to firearms and the second amendment might be inclined to believe.
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