Baby Critters

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Loyalist Dave

May 5, 2006
People's Republic of Maryland
Well for the past couple of weeks I've been blessed to see some new critters. So far I've seen five fawn, one of which was about a week old based on its size, and the fact that it scampered toward me when it saw me walking down the hiker/biker path in the park. It took a long look at me then wandered off..., couldn't spot the doe. Then there were three fawns I saw at a distance on several different days. One must've been only a few hours old as it was tiny, BUT it was running around without any awkwardness, so I figured close to a day old. :)

Then this past Tuesday morning, I was driving South on the way to work, and due to a traffic back-up, I took a short-cut through a neighborhood that backs up to County park land, so turned East. Just after turning, about a block away was this huge bird walking across the roadway. Now the sun was in my eyes, and we get hungry buzzards that will sometimes land and open up a bag of trash, but this wasn't the right shape for a buzzard, 'though it was "buzzard sized". I stopped and looked, and it turned around and walked back into the tree line.

So I slowly drove past, and she was still there, a hen turkey and half a dozen poults; the poults were a bit larger than a quail. So that made my day as wild turkey in my area is pretty scarce, and of course the new deer mean a continuation of good deer hunting in my area for the next few years too.

The fawns are out and about here too.
We saw a tiny fawn run the length of the pond dam where we were fishing the other night.
Also saw a doe and twins between cornfields recently.
The bucks are in heavy velvet.
We have a dirt road that leads to the riverbottom behind our house. I like to take our golfcart (virtually silent)for a sunset drive. I am often on them before they know it. Kinda funny sometimes.
Last summer I was walking through one of our pastures and had a hen run right by me followed by her poults. I have no idea what she was thinking by coming so close to me but it was a cool experience.
Our turkey population is on the rise. We have helped start a new chapter of NWTF in our county and had the state biologist give us a talk on Turkey management and habitat. Seems we have decent habitat around here, mixed with some poorer habitat, of course, not our property. Good grazing, it seems, is detrimental to good turkey habitat. Also, do you know what the top predator of Turkeys are? Nope, hogs ain't even on the top 20 list, insignificant. Tops is CROWS! Yeah, I guessed raccoons and, to my credit, they're number 2. Owls and hawks rank up there in the top five, too. Snakes are further down the list.

Anyway, I don't really start seeing Turkey until spring breeding season. They stay pretty well out of sight most of the year. We've had LOTS of young fawns around this year, seems like a bumper crop. There's a doe and her 2 fawns down the road about a half mile I keep seeing. There's a hog wire fence on one side of the road and the doe jumps it, the little ones are trapped, can't get through it. Well, the other morning, I saw the larger of the young'ns jump that hog wire following mama. The smaller one still won't try. I had to congratulate the little booger for it's braveness and athleticism. :D
Some of the local fawns I see around here are growing nicely but their spots won't fade out until the latter part of September when the winter coat starts coming in. I also have a very young looking fox around but haven't seen him in person yet.... Just on a couple trailcams. Did manage to get one good daylight photo of him recently when he was checking out a woodchuck hole where I had a trailcam. WGI_0128.JPG
I saw these two guys or gals on the 4th while going to watch the fireworks. They were following mom but I wasn't fast enough to get the whole family.


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Yes, I have cameras etc all around and they came back to “play” with the ones they didn’t kill yet. Still can’t even the score but 2-4 is better than 0-4.
One day while casually wandering around my pasture I spooked a covey of about fifteen baby bob-whites. Looked like thimbles with wings. There was a steady "Peep, peep, peep..." as they flew--at a speed about like one's jogging. Could have caught the whole mob with a butterfly net.
We have baby turkeys, and I finally got a count yesterday morning when they spooked and ran across the neighbor's pasture. Two mamas with 10 babies, and one mama with two babies. Last summer we had three mamas with 18 babies parading right by the house every day. They seem to lose their fear of people and houses while they are tending babies.
Since my last post I have discovered that the young fox I've been seeing around has a sibling... Saw both of them playing around like a couple puppies on the edge of the woods and then a couple days later I got the sibling ( I think it's the sibling - they look pretty identical) on the trail cam next to a woodchuck hole. The same 'chuck hole I got the other one at. They seem to like that spot. WGI_0730.JPG ETA don't believe the time and date stamp on that.... I gave up on it because it won't keep good time. It obviously wasn't 9:50 pm on that one and I think the date's wrong also.
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