Here we go again...!

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Jun 12, 2006
Semi-Free State of Arizona
I would think it's a bit early for a panic. But if true, this shows the heightened sensitivity of gun owners. Pessimism may be setting in.
IF, and that's a big IF, another panic buy occurs, clearly it will be the same type of items as the sandy hook era panic, mags, ARs, 5.56 ammo etc, do you guys think manufacturers will ramp up production and risk flooding the market with them as they did last time, which inevitably is to blame for the current low profit margins and many small companies going out of business? If yes, this could lead to more great bargains down the road, if no, it could lead to an even higher price during a panic buy if demand isn't attempted to be fulfilled.
Yeah, saw it on the news this morning.

Apparently we are all demanding strengthening background checks and magazine limits.... I did not know....

I can only speak for myself and I dont like any restrictions or infringements and want to be as free as I possibly can be, always will no matter what and will do what I have to do to weather the storm.

These politicians need to stop trying to "save us" and people need to learn a thing or two about personal accountability.

"The overall number of background checks recorded in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System surged 15.5%, said the National Shooting Sports Foundation. That figure includes background checks done for security, concealed carry permits, and gun sales, and was the highest August number ever recorded."

Looks like the Democrats are unintentionally boosting gun sales again! :):thumbup:

:oops: I'm sorry .... I didn't see this post until 11:53AM local time....I just bought a Sig Sauer MCX rifle in .300AAC Blackout just an hour and a half ago. :uhoh: Had I seen this post, I SWEAR I would not have fed the banic.

I'm a nice guy. I swear. .......:scrutiny: Really I am.
Yesterday the interweb news was full of stories with results of a Poll. Finally had to respond to a couple in the comment section.

They were touting this poll of 800 people. So I suggested if they want a Real Poll then let's put this up for a National Vote. Let's see what the POLL really says. Problem is we would probably see the usual 52% turn out.
The general principles on gun control opinion have been known in the scholarly literature for a long time.

1. Most Americans support owing firearms for various reasons (SD, sport, hunting, defense against tyranny).
2. Most Americans want laws or procedures to keep guns away from criminals and the psychological unfit.

The devil is in the details. The extremes of the gun control battle will take either principle to extreme levels.
Deleted a set of posts complaining about the media. The topic is the sales figures.
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