Joy Behar: Don't tell Americans before you take their guns

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No surprise there. The " View " gives a person a view of what is wrong with America. A waste of time to watch a gaggle of a sub species with little brains and large mouths.

A good reason to bring back the draft and include women this time so they can help pay for America's freedom, and learn it isn't free. A good alternative would be to take the women of the View and drop them off in Afghanistan and let them babble there to see how long they last. (then show the film)
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It's obvious really. The Party Apparatchiks are incredibly annoyed at Francis's childish outburst of honesty. He spoiled the use of their 'reasonable regulations' lie for a significant slice of undecided electorate.

Imagine if Bernie stood up and said, "Elizabeth Warren's economic plan and my plan both turn the US into Venezuela, but mine will get there faster, so vote for me." This would be similarly annoying to the Party.

We should be thankful for Beto's foolhardy honesty. You're not supposed to tell the frog you plan to boil him. . .
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a Democrat from Texas, and said it was foolish of him to announce his plans for gun confiscation before he was elected. She advised all politicians to go after the country's guns after they've assumed office.

"They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you're going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected -- then take the guns away," she said. "Don’t tell them ahead of time."
Well duh, it's what they have been trying to do for decades, and they still have some people fooled because they are not paying attention. Just like "you can keep your doctor".

Those of us who have been fighting the anti gunners for decades already knew this, that the ultimate goal is confiscation, which is why they want registration so badly.

The answer to any new "common sense" or otherwise gun control laws is simply no. We really screwed up letting the government get control of our healthcare even more than they had, and now they are grinning like Cheshire cats at the thought of taking the guns. All for the lie that it is for our own good.

The answer to any new gun restrictions is simply no, and you do this by voting against the antis at the polls, check their voting record, don't listen to the lies, if they vote anti, they are anti, vote them out.
That’s what they have been doing the entire time. Trump even follows the same model. Beto was just too stupid (honest) to be a decent politician.
On the RTKBA and many other issues, liberals (now more often socialists) cannot get elected if they state their true intent. They believe they are superior and will say or do whatever it takes to achieve power and control over the citizens. None will admit it but a large number of citizens agree with them and vote for who they believe will best take care of them.
Behar's speech is a double-edged sword and potentially a massive lose/lose -proposition for gun grabbers:

First of all, there is (or was) O'Rourke with a very straightforward agenda, not even attempting to hide the true intentions.

Now, as Behar has (unintentionally?) pointed out, there's no reason to trust ANY democratic candidate regardless of what they claim to be their policy on gun ownership. Whenever anything but an outright prohibition/confiscation policy is expressed, Behar's point will inevitably brought up to raise a suspicion whether the candidate in question is just blowing smoke instead of telling what (s)he really is up to.

Brilliant. :)
Behar's point will inevitably brought up
You are assuming that the voters who want to preserve the 2A would be the type that would watch or give credence to Ms. Behar. The ones who truly want to preserve the 2A already know that no politician can be trusted to honor it. A politician's job is to appeal to the masses in order to get re-elected, to continue to appeal to the masses.
At least she is honest and doesn't pretend about the radical lefts true intent.
Well she was honest about encouraging the government and political candidates to perform a dishonest and unconstitutional act. I don't think she deserves any praise or consideration.

There's no "at least" statement needed here.

I once knew a guy who enjoyed being a jerk to people. He would say and do rotten things, and then smirk and say "I'm an a#%$*le." He seemed to think being upfront about being a jerk made being a jerk ok. It doesn't.
You are assuming that the voters who want to[...]
No. I'm talking about political rhetoric and campaign strategy. Behar gave a visible, referable statement for countering some candidates' claims of being pro 2A.
Don't tell Joy Behar before she is arrested for her speech undermining the Constitution as the Right to Free Speech obviously cannot mean advocating unconstitutional actions. After all, it is for the children. It is her duty to be responsible with her speech.
So, at some point, in order to garner support, wouldn't Beto, as well as Bernie and Warren HAVE To disclose their intentions? "Don't tell" sounds like a good idea for keeping plans secret, but what's the secret eyewink so that the other like minded voters will know what their true intentions are? At some point, the cat has to come out of the bag.
She has to realize that she's making herself into this generation's Hanoi Jane.
Should the S ever HTF, her goose is cooked.

I just hope that when that day comes the media is still working so I can hear about it...
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