SCOTUS enforcement...

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I don't see "core" of US Constitution like SCOTUS judge numbers and electoral college changing anytime soon.

Besides, I believe antis already ruled out SCOTUS judge number increase as Trump is likely to win in 2020 and backfire by appointing more conservative justices for life. :eek:

Here’s the thing on electoral college. Some states are starting to bypass that by passing a law that requires all electoral votes for that state goes to the candidate with the popular vote. Oregon just did that. However they only account for 7 electoral votes. Not enough to have made a difference in electing Trump in 2016.

Hypothetically if all 50 states did that, which is unlikely. It would in practice remove the whole point of having the electoral college in the first place. Hopefully that won’t happen.
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Since this is not on that issue, except tangentially, I'm closing it. The original question has been answered.
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