But Where to Shoot it?

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Apr 4, 2021
Hi, Folks, I'm new to this Forum, so bear with me if this is the wrong place to put this request . . .
I have bought a Taurus TX for target practice for my family and me; as my wife is concerned about Covid, we don't want to use an indoor range, as many macho dumbos walk around unmasked, often within the 6ft. marker.
Is there anyone in the 07828 area who can suggest where we might find an outdoor location to set up our targets and get plinking? Or other suggestions about how we might borrow a large, safe, legal, open space, preferably with a berm?
Does your state have shooting ranges? Just google Shooting Ranges in whatever state your in. I'm luck to have my own range, but I'm limited to 100 yards. Therefore I go to State ranges for longer shooting. They generally have 25, 50, 100 and 200 yard ranges. The ranges are free here. Check yours out.
Consult the store where you purchased the gun. Google says you are in New Jersey, reputed to be generally unfriendly to gun owners (don’t know from personal experience, just what I read), so you might ask the sheriff if there is a safe outdoor range available.
Many unmacho people walk around maskless, too, have you gone into or called a local range to inquire about their mask policies or just made generalities based on preconceived biases?

At the indoor ranges I’ve frequented in gun-unfriendly CA folks wear them indoors until they’re actually shooting (your glasses get fogged up with one on). Since you are in your own lanes, and every other one is closed to allow spacing, it would be very tough to breathe on someone else unless you’re right on their back.

Check out the ones in your area, you may be surprised.

Stay safe.
Been over 40 years since I lived in NJ. I'm sure there are some indoor ranges out your way, get a list and check them out on "dry runs." Talk to the counter personnel. Joe
The air exchange and filtration systems, and the physical barriers between stalls, should alleviate the OP's fears regarding exposure to other unmasked patrons while shooting (fears which I'm tempted to go into a long dissertation about why they are at this point unfounded, but will be so far off topic as to get this thread locked, but frankly, I can't help but feel sadness that people are still making decisions about avoiding doing something they want to do based on masks).

The indoor range I patronize has allowed maskless shooting for quite some time because given the above physical plant features the infection transmission danger has always been very low in the shooting bays. There's nothing quite like fresh air exchange that inactivates viruses, not even to mention the HEPA filtration the air circulation has to go through to remove other noxious particles.
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Nothing like a first post to step on the toes of people who don’t live in fear. Isn’t the recovery rate 99.7%? And vaccines are available. And you can wear three masks. Yet millions will give away our freedom to feel safe.

Of course you could pick your nose after pumping gas and catch covid.

Outdoor ranges almost always have better air quality. I’ve felt pretty crappy after shooting at one indoor range with poor air filtration. I’ve never caught a cold or the flu after regularly shooting for 2 years at an indoor range. Anything is possible though and since the OP claims to be 74 years old, every precaution should be taken. I would be much more concerned about shopping at Walmart or the grocery store than shooting at an indoor range. Good luck.
I don't know about New Jersey but If you are willing to go for a bit of a drive it shouldn't be hard to find a place in Pennsylvania or Delaware. I personally go to a place right on the Delaware Maryland border but I googled it it's about a 4hr drive for you I am sure you can find somewhere closer.

As for covid concerns it shouldn't be too big of an issue at an outdoor range but if the public ranges by you are too crowded and making you uncomfortable a private range that requires a membership fee will generally be less busy. You can generally find one for less than a few hundred a year but many might be limited to 100yard ranges. Try searching for "Rod & Gun Clubs" near you, many private ranges will use that in there name as there is overlap between people who like guns and people that like to fish so they will often be the same club.

Also as a side note if you are flush with cash and fit in more with the country club crowd there are some super nice private ranges that exist with facilities that make me drool and wish I made more money, but those types tend to be more exclusive and expensive and require sponsorships and whatnot just like joining a golf club or something.
madingding: Welcome to THR.

I'm curious whether your family has had access to Pfizer, Moderna or the JJ vaccines?

On the Same day I had my second Pfizer shot (two weeks ago), I came home for a 30-minute run, then attended my normal Krav Maga self-defense class about 7 hours after the vaccination. Some Krav drills are hard work!
* I'm 65 years old, and have a stent in the heart's "widowmaker" artery. The point.................No side effects.

>> With flu, pneumonia, measles etc vaccines, the same adults who had weird reactions to those ....Tend to be the same people who have odd reactions to the Wuhan (Covid) vaccines.

** This was explained to us a by a career vaccine nurse manager (friend) who just retired this week.
Is this tendency -- about some peoples' reaction to Older vaccines -- highlighted at all by the mainstream media? ;)
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Many unmacho people walk around maskless, too, have you gone into or called a local range to inquire about their mask policies or just made generalities based on preconceived biases?

At the indoor ranges I’ve frequented in gun-unfriendly CA folks wear them indoors until they’re actually shooting (your glasses get fogged up with one on). Since you are in your own lanes, and every other one is closed to allow spacing, it would be very tough to breathe on someone else unless you’re right on their back.

Check out the ones in your area, you may be surprised.

Stay safe.
I don't know about New Jersey but If you are willing to go for a bit of a drive it shouldn't be hard to find a place in Pennsylvania or Delaware. I personally go to a place right on the Delaware Maryland border but I googled it it's about a 4hr drive for you I am sure you can find somewhere closer.

As for covid concerns it shouldn't be too big of an issue at an outdoor range but if the public ranges by you are too crowded and making you uncomfortable a private range that requires a membership fee will generally be less busy. You can generally find one for less than a few hundred a year but many might be limited to 100yard ranges. Try searching for "Rod & Gun Clubs" near you, many private ranges will use that in there name as there is overlap between people who like guns and people that like to fish so they will often be the same club.

Also as a side note if you are flush with cash and fit in more with the country club crowd there are some super nice private ranges that exist with facilities that make me drool and wish I made more money, but those types tend to be more exclusive and expensive and require sponsorships and whatnot just like joining a golf club or something.
madingding: Welcome to THR.

I'm curious whether your family has had access to Pfizer, Moderna or the JJ vaccines?

On the Same day I had my second Pfizer shot (two weeks ago), I came home for a 30-minute run, then attended my normal Krav Maga self-defense class about 7 hours after the vaccination. Some Krav drills are hard work!
* I'm 65 years old, and have a stent in the heart's "widowmaker" artery. The point.................No side effects.

>> With flu, pneumonia, measles etc vaccines, the same adults who had weird reactions to those ....Tend to be the same people who have odd reactions to the Wuhan (Covid) vaccines.

** This was explained to us a by a career vaccine nurse manager (friend) who just retired this week.
Is this tendency -- about some peoples' reaction to Older vaccines -- highlighted at all by the mainstream media? ;)
Given your state's restrictions on magazines and threaded barrels, I have to ask. Is a Taurus TX even legal in NJ? My sources say no.
Nothing like a first post to step on the toes of people who don’t live in fear. Isn’t the recovery rate 99.7%?
I keep seeing that number quoted in various places. Where does it come from? In my county, the fatality rate is 2.97%. (And it's not the dying part I worry about, since I'll do that anyway at some point, it's being hospitalized. I simply can't afford it. Yes, I have insurance, but it winds up paying about half of anything. If I'm hospitalized, I'm bankrupt, so both my wife and I lose anything of value.)
Due to our wonderful media, it's up to everyone to decide for themselves what is accurate and what is important.

The last thing I'll be worrying about is catching covid from an indoor range.
OP, if you can't find an outdoor range within reasonable distance, what about wearing an N95 or similar highly filtrating mask at the range?
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