Gun Owners and Airplanes

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Jan 20, 2003
Kind of a stretch, but I note that a number of folks posting here comment on aircraft. Some fly helos, some fly fixed wing, and some are in the military.

I'm a private pilot, and I've noticed that a lot of other pilots also are into guns. In thinking of it, I have wondered if the connection is self-reliance, or some such.

Or, maybe that's just junk psychology.

Anyone else noticed that gun folks like airplanes, and aviation types like guns?
I've noticed. Having spent many years around Naval aviation, it's always been interesting to see the young aircrew guys (er... and now gals) get turned on to shooting and then gun ownership when first qualifying with the firearms. The self-reliance thing is probably part of it, too ... I tend to believe that people who fly are more in touch with "what's the worst thing that could happen" than people who don't ... And thus have a more realistic view of the world, as well as appreciating well-made mechanical things, tools, firearms, etc.
PP-ASEL checking in...

I've noticed this too. I would also point to the similarity between the experience of 'power' or 'control' for lack of a better word. I don't know how to articulate it without making it sound weird.

But guns = power, as does the command of an aircraft.

We also drive better.

I'd love to see fellow High Roaders over at my favorite flying forum,
Correlation? Maybe.

CFII here, and 1911 fan.

I've read articles here and there saying that, according to studies, some 90% of pilots are, if not "control freaks," at least prefer to be in control of their environments and situations.

Based on what I've seen of gunnies, we're the same way: we don't like surrendering control to other people. We prefer to take responsibility for our own lives, our own defence, etc.

So is there a correlation between gunnies and pilots? It wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Well, in addition to co-hosting the Guns & Ammo TV show, I decided to do a show on my other passion.

It's a TV Series about aviation, which starts in July of 2005.

Oh, I'm flying a 1960 Beechcraft Twin Bonanza. Lots of room for guns in that one!
I think the connection you've noticed also has to do with both activities having some degree of danger to them. Use them correctly, and you'll be fine. Use them incorrectly, and you're in for trouble.

Private Pilot, Land and Sea, working on my insturment Rating

first love is Airplanes, second Guns.....sorry, that's the way I am
but Guns are so much cheaper than an airplane, both are a lot of fun,
and you can combine them by taking yourself hunting....another love
Probably most of the pilots and mechanics I worked with owned guns.

I'd love to see fellow High Roaders over at my favorite flying forum,

cowboy, It's been 44 years since I was a student pilot, can I still visit.:)

There's a flying forum on GT also.
cowboy, It's been 44 years since I was a student pilot, can I still visit.

Sure you can!

We have members from brand new, never even took a lesson yet to many thousand hour CFIs and ATPs...all helping each other out.

I'd like to think that all pilots are student pilots...there really is that much to learn.
I'm one among many - CP-ASMEL/IA - and a lot of the folks around the airport are also into the shooting sports. My first passion is flying airplanes, followed by building them. Lots of fun!

The guns are for when the pro-seal is curing or while waiting for replacement parts :)
SEL rated, VFR... only about 250 hours...haven't flown in over a year though since family matters and job are in the way...mostly a time versus money thing though.

Been working on growing my gun collection in the mean time though
PP-ASEL I can't afford to fly right now, but I can still afford to that's somethin'.

I've always loved aviation, but I think I like guns better...something to do with giving up on my dream of being a fighter pilot (due to poor eyesight) and joining the Army. [daydream]The best would be flying my own DeHavilland Beaver with one of WA's co-pilots in the back.[/daydream]:cool:
Expired CFI-I here, with requisite Commercial, Instrument and Multi Certs and ratings.

Haven't flown since I decided to change careers to something that actualy made money ( :) ) but I think AZLibertarian hit it on the head. It's something to do , like most of my other past hobbies that require a lot of concentration, and carries some risk if you screw it up.

For someone like me with ADD, it's a balm to the mind when you can find something that makes you focus. Feels good.

Other hobbies have been (and are) rock and ice climbing, technical mountain biking, and auto racing. All of the above require (force) concentration, and can be risky.


I've noticed that for years. In fact some aviation writers have made the same comments in print over the years.
Commercial/Instrument SMEL. Lots of Comanche 260 time.

A T-Bone!!!!!!!.......... What a great old airplane. I hope you upgraded the engines and panel:D
Pitts Model 12 driver here.

BIG positive correlation between aviation and guns, in my experience. My take is that both types want to control their own destiny.

If you long for the '40s and '50s, all you have to do is travel around the country by private plane, preferably one with the third wheel in the proper (rear) location, land at private airports, and spend time with the people there.

It's as if all the things that annoy you about our current culture never existed.

PP SEL. no medical right now though. i browse through on occasion but i post at quite often. i've gone a few rounds with the mighty Avbug and came out humbled like many others. harsh he may be, but usually right on the money. i'm sure NeonCowboy knows who i'm talking about. i've always loved planes and guns. i really don't know which i would pick if i had to give up one. luckily i don't have to give up either.

I am of course into guns, and will certainly admit that if I could do it all over again, I would have become a pilot.

Man, I love planes of all sorts, especially WW2 era aircraft. I would absolutley love to be a commercial pilot. I really do not have a desire to fly a private plane unless perhaps as a company jet pilot. In this spot of my life, I really can't afford to go full circle and go back to school to become a pilot, so it will just remain a dream for me.

I would absolutley love to be a commercial pilot. I really do not have a desire to fly a private plane unless perhaps as a company jet pilot. In this spot of my life, I really can't afford to go full circle and go back to school to become a pilot, so it will just remain a dream for me.

I would be willing to bet that if you had a chance to take the controls of a Cessna on a cross-country would see the light.

Even if you'll never do it for a job...maybe eve especially if you'll never do it for a job...aviation can be one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do.

If you like, I'd be happy to poll my pilot friends in your area and hook you up with someone who would love to take you flying and show you a little of what I am talking about.
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